Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 177, 1 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Pionecr Shlrt Factory ESTABLISHED 1887. A. M. MELLI3, Proprietor, 518 Fort 8t., (Upatairs) Honolulu, Goo<! Fit. TO LET. 0Ē~ A Large Parlor Bedroom, King Street, next door to John F. Bowler’s residence. Inqaire of jy2T 10t Mrs. BAILEY. PANĪHEON 8AL00N, FORT A>'D HOTEL 3TS. Headauarters Enterprlse Brewing Co. THE Largest Consignment of Beer that ever arnved here, now on Draught J. DODD, Prop‘r \OTI(E. From this date, b. f. hoffacker U alone authorized to drmw dralt or to gīve orders (or mercha&dise or auppliea on bebal( o( the Hawaiian Commernal and Sng»r Compauy, THE HAWAIIAN COMMERCIAL AND SUGAR COMPANY. C. A. SrHBCXELa, Oenenl Manager. Jyl7-2w F. OEKTZ, BOOT axd SHOEMAKER I Repairing N«atly Dooe. Oppoaile the Clab StaMea. Fort Street, and will be gl»d to «e hii oM triendi. my7 U WA NTEDI 1 1 rCR>'lTCRK. DISHES. GLASSWaRE. t ; I Gocb, WaUhea. Jewriry. Oid Go!d asd ’ Stiver. aod eT<rrUūn2 boajttt aod *old at 114 . Klof Strtet, corner of Alakea. )y/7 ' = ■ I •I * ADJfIXI*TBVrOB'* \OTlCE. THE UXDERSIGXED haring bien dsly appomt#d Admuusaator o( the Eaiale of PAHIA KALOI k. of Mokae. Hana. Maai. deeeaatd, woald herewrfh gire wotioe to all peno&a baTiag a«x>oiit» agaiast tbe satd estate to pnwt tfcem lo hua, property ewom to, wilhin ū BOitb -ttōta dale heieol. or tfcey wiH be (os*Ter b*md. Aad all neneaa owmg the «nd eatate am >*- qnee«ad to «eUle (octbwitbM. H. REUTER, Adminiatratar of tbe £«tota of Pahia r»’m 1ir-rr* Haoa, Hau.J«iy7tb,18M.