Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 177, 1 August 1894 — LADIES COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

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t Tbis week will be one vou will , aii rcmomber aai.ie from Doabie W;Jth Serges (ail wooD at 50 cents a yard. W*;sts will receiro Z an awful Cat; sucb as Children’s - Ek)nble Ve W aists in two weights f and Winter.) Equipo ; se Ladies W*aists. s Compromise Bo-iice Waists. ) Jeanesb Miller Waists. t Children’s Reefer Jackete and Children‘s Long Cashmere b Coate. 5 Anotber line of gooda that are 3 wortby of yonr notice wiil be our 2 Tusore Draperies for Cnrtains 3 and Divans, there is no reason * wh}* yon should let them pass. ? Yon all know yonr friend. the P. D. Corset. none better were ever made, or so!d at our prices. , Ask to see our Tan Coloretl j Hosiery to matcb tfae different shades of shoes. We have them for Iadies and cbildren all sizes, and wheu it gete to Ladiea and Childrens Black Hosiery—no other Honse in town ean offer yon such a stock to select from or at our prices. At the same time buv hnbby h dozen of Fast Black Socks, f r Two Dollars, he is now paying more mone}- for them. SATURDAY, Ang. -lth, will be tbe great Hosiery day with us, L thongh we won’t refase to sell 1 you tliem during the week. Oue thing we wish to impress upon your minds, and that is we are actually selling goods for less money than wo evcr have before, i all through the honsa, you will ! find a general mark down; they are the same High Class of Gock1s we bave always carried; the secrot of it all is, we are satisfied witb less profit. We have a lot of material that will make Handsome Costumes for the Masquerade Ball. Yours etc., K. F. Ehlem & €o. jy23-tf