Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 177, 1 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Programme of , BICVCLE MEEI 1 To b* Heii . ! On Saturday, Aug. 11th KAPIOLANI PAHK, 2:30 p m. »harp 1— One ILk D*»h, open: Got«t 2— H*M Hik D*sh. nom: Silver 3— One Qnarter Miie Dasb. open: Si!ver Med*L 4— One Hil' Mile D«eh, bors cnt)er 13 years; Silver Medals: nrst imi *eeond. 5— One H*lf MUe Dash, open; G«M Medal. 6— One Mil« Dash. three minnte cUss; S:irer Medal. 7— Three Qoarter Mile Daah. open; Gold Med*I. 3 —One Mile Dash, nonee; Silver M«dals. £ntranoe Fee for Ra-*es Nos. I, 5 *nd '\ S1.30: all oth«rs. entt*noe f1. AU Entriea to Close ON MOKDAY, Ang t»th. 12 noon, *t the offioe of H. E. W*lker, Men.-b*nt Street, Honoluln. Oenenl Admission, 30 cta; Orsnd Stand, extr*, 25 eU; Qa*rter Stretch B«tigw, $2.00 «aeh; C*rriages (inside of racecf»nrsei $2.50. ! iy27 United ( Carriage Company, M. REIS & J.C. QUINN =r290-= BEBBB9BBEB99HS TO TUT. PCBUC: —If von *n- ihlnkine ! abont »hopping, ealline 'or taking In the j siuht», riug up 290, when- tou ean obtain > a hr9t-cUes oaniaee with elegant hor»e8 and a ciril driver, or if yoa choo»e to drirc yourself, we ean aocommod»te you with «tylish Bnggies, Phaetons, Surrics and W«goncttee. We have for livery horse» the hnest roadsters > in the Kepnhlie. ' Our livery horses coraprise sobu of lhc well-known n'>ad*ters, such as ' the Gray-eagle, White-«wan, Prince Henry, Ab*dellā, Koanoke, Lady Temp!eton, 3tevewhipper and others; a child ean drive any of these horses, but it takes a Kansas cyelon<- to pass oue of them on the n>«d. For further particnlars, ring up 290, or eall at our stand and olliee next to E. O. Uall « Son. jy 26. KD. C EOWE. House Sign and OinameiUal Painfer. Manufacture of Liquid SIatmg, 620 King Streel. augl (10fdJJERCIHL UH£K COR.N'Ka OF Nuuanu and Beretania Streeta. 561 Telephoxes:-> 561 G00D, KELIAELE and jy27 tf CIVIL DRIVERS. Motval T*l. 266. P. O. Box 158. WING WO TAI & CO., No. *s Ncvano Hox»l; lv, H. I., Commission Merchants, —IUPORTKF.s A>D DE.tI.KL IX— General Merchandise. Flne ManiU Cig*rs. Chinese *nd J«p*nese Crockeryw»re, M»ttings. Va*e* ot *n kinda, Camphorwood Trunk», Ratt*n Ch*irs. A Fice As«ortroent of Dress Sliks, Choice»t Br*nds of Chinesc *nd Jap*nese Te*i of L*tc*t lmport*tioo* In*ptetion of Xeie Goo<Ufe*pett/uUy toliritrd. joly6. Chas. T. Gulick NOTARY PUBLIC For th« Island of Oaha. Agent to Take Ackoowledgment8 to Labor Contract». Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honolulu, Oahn. Agent for the Haw’n Islands of Pm «fc Scott’s Freight and Parcels Eipress. Agent for tbe Bnrlington Koaie. Real Estate Mer A^t Bell Tel. 348; Mat. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. OFFlCE: No. 38 2ffERCHANT Street Hnnolala H. * FOR 8ALE. One Marqaee Tent. new; Size 16x32 feet; 6 feet Wall; 13 feet Boof; 8 oz, Dock; Poles, Pina, Ring Rafter, etc. Inqoire at the HOLOMUA OFFlCE.