Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 177, 1 August 1894 — ARE YOU IN IT? [ARTICLE]

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If You Are. You Are Ooing to The Volcano. The Aiiverti*er has got itself into a great deal of trouble latelv about iU coutempt Bat no one holdsthe Hoogs’ excnrsion in contempt Iq tbe language of the pres it is a good tbing. and deserves all tbe success tbat it is enjoining. F M. Hoogs bas had eipenenee in jost tbis kind of thing before. He is an old theatrical manager and ncderstands exactly what to do to eneun the comfort of tbose who accompany , him. There are on!y a few days left iu whieh tobebookedforthe trip, ! and it won!d be a gnod idea to go and see the Wilder Steamship Compauy tomorrow morning.