Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 177, 1 August 1894 — A Great Feat. [ARTICLE]

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A Great Feat.

Jobn Hullett, one of the sai!ora ; of H. M. S. performed a . feat of endurance near tbe Vaisigano bridge last Wednesday whieh is deserving of menlion. He had backed himself to, within an hour and ten minutes, eomplete the following;—Ring 100 quoits at 11 yards, run a half-a-mile, walk the same distaoce, go-as-you-please half-mile carrying 56 pounds; piek np singly and deposit io a basket 25 stones placed one yard apart, row one mile, and awim half-a-mile. Maeh ruUrest was manifested in the event, and a lot of betting amongst the sbipe crew resnlted. Hullett waa successful in aeeompiisbiog ihe task and was loudly cheered npon its eompleiion. The followrng are the time for the different featores of the eontest: —Ringing 100 qnoits at 11 yds, 13mina; run hal£ of a mile 3 min 30 seconda , walking balf-a-mile, omin 30sec; go-as-you-please half-a-mtle, carrying 56 ponnda, 5min 30sec; piek up and plaee singly in a basket 25 stones deposite4 one yard apari, 3tnin 30sec; row one mile, 15min;svim half-a-mile, 22min, total, 1 hour 7min 30aec. i