Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 177, 1 ʻAukake 1894 — Innocents Abroad. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Innocents Abroad.

Ei>itor Holomua: Living out side the capital, the resideuts of Humakua deserve tbe above title, in illustratiou of whieh a society at Paauilo dubbed themselves ,r Iiterary,” and had the audacity to attompt a prodnction of the “Merchant of Vemce” early this month. The members, seated, simply read it, and, oh! shade of Demostbenes, what an eihibition it was. With one exception, none of the members could read half as well as a school boy of ten years of age. Tour morning contemporary then has a glowing report from itscorrespondent,enough tomake Honolulu people smile, aud of | course admits no criticism in its ; columns. After the above “fiasco” you may now be prepared to hear of the demise of this reraarkable Society. Anti-Humbng July 25tb, 1891.