Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 176, 30 Iulai 1894 — HIS PAY. [ARTICLE]
Mr. John E. Bosb, tbe expoliticUu, 1ias foucd it necesssry to issne au Englisb edition of tb*e ioaflet whieh he bas printed under Ihe title of A 'a Leo o ka Lahui. "\\ e wish Jobn all posible 8Qccess and wo trust tbat he i nay be able to carr>' the hopes of the ‘ , true royalists” (when and how did be, tbe former slanderer of tbe Queen become i one ?) to an accepUble issuo. Hi» paper whieh is evidently edited by an ex employee of the HoLOMUA editonal statf devolea inoet of its apaee to abuses i agaiuat the £ditor oi ihe Holo- i MCa and praises of Cleveland < —both very worthy objects. The ( aheei aleo prints the aucient I •
• iac*»»age of Presitlfcnt Clerel.iDtl ■ to Congress. presnmablr because it bas be«n Iearue<l. throagh an ! ex printer, that the saitl mess ige r waa being printe«l in pamphlei fonn at the Holomua printirg , offire for a certain lea«ling roval- j ist. "We are please<l to see friend Bnsh assisting ns in spreading the message whieh really far ni»hes interesting reading io a 11 i connected witL the latē move. The only thing in this morning's issue jf Mr. Bash’s (?) English paper whieli attracts oar | «ttention is ihe statement tbat be has been paid for starting his “Knglish ’ iu the following mau uer: __ “We Lave l>een pai«l having friends who have been lukewami, | I<erhap8, coming to onr *nndnm, ; aud grasping oar bands, s.«y, “That’s right. Bash. yon have put up such abuse loug enough of themselaves au.-.-wer theui in English, and let people see what fools they are iaaking." W’e have been paid by hearing those who h«ve been steadfast (?25) supporters of the ! līolomuli (wbatever that may be) ! say, “after this I wash my hands off that paper. aud will have uothiug more to do with it.” This has been onr pay, only this uud nothing else.” By this reforonce to Mr. Hiish’s paper we have washed our hunds i off him and his sheet, and shall pay no further notice to tho oombinatiou in Printer’s Lane. The “steadfast’ friends( !)of the HoloMUAwho havowashed their hamla , our papor shall receive our due consi«leration. Iftheycould wash their hands off their very shad3 7 , double-faced political ; record of the past they wouhl probably bless the future. In the meantirae the Holomua goes on an«l improves in support and adherents. The ‘‘steadfast” friend who threatens on the street to ‘take all and every advertiseraent’ from our columns has probably undertaken a pretty difficult job. W r hile we advocate a staple govemmonl, aud openly enter our- i selves as an opposition to the prcsout regime, the “steadfast” fr : .ends aud the scribblers ean go ou abusing, praying, waitiug and ! being|finally left politically in tbe “intensest” cold, where they eau have the benefit of raeditatiou j and—ridicule. I ————