Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 176, 30 Iulai 1894 — N G! [ARTICLE]
N G!
Samo« Bash di<l say, to-<l»y “ I ht fri«n<Li X. tnd G. “ Th*y both aaw ok- and Nawahi “ And qaestion«d ‘fight or pray.~ *' I k»id to therc. *• I pr»y—ahem!" ** S*id one * I think yon prry~ Satuo* Bnsh Jntt r&ised a blnsh Bat J>e had nonpht to s*y. Whieh makes ns think Xed yet Iikes drink And hke* the dollars, see? Bnt atories old 01 Xed are told Whieh makes him ont XG,