Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 176, 30 July 1894 — HAWAII'S “BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]

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CONSTITUTION and LAffS Fi*anied bv the Mi.ssionaries. | LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 17. OF THE TITHE 0F THE PBOPERTY OBT\IXED ON THE LABOB DATS 0F THE AūE-VTS. m The followiug words shall be inserted at the end of tha 18 section, on the 52ud page; “The tax officers shall tako the property to the King.’' 18. 0F NEW BOBX CHIU)BE5. hen a child is born, then the father or the mother shall inform the tax oflicer, who shall record in a table tho name of the child, the name of the pareats, nafto of tbo land, the day, the month and the year that the child was born. If neither the father nor mother givo this notico, then those pareuts are guilty of an impropriety. he shall not bo freed fr«u labor on the labor diys, eveu if he havo a nnmber of children. 19. OF JI DGE3 WHO ARE Gt*fc.TV OF I.\JCSTIOE. If a judge be guilty of roal misconduct, and with a criminal design, and punish a man nnjustly, or set a gailty man at liberty, or if he do this on aeeouni of projndice, he shall then be brought to trial beffcre the supremo judges, ahd when convioted, he shall cease to bo a judge, nor shall he receive any pay for that whieh he committed the ofl«»se. 20. OF THOSE PERSO>*8 WHO REFCSE TO COMPLY WITH THK SEXTENCE OF THE JL*DOEs. W hatever persons aro condoraned by the judges to pay a fiue or to labor, if they refuse obediecce to the sentence* of the judge, then irons are tho conaeqoence or a rope, let him be perfectly fast nntil he yield *tt'eut to the decision. But if the enminal give notico of his intention to appeal to the Governor, or to the supreme jadges, it shall be proP er for him to do so. He shall not be confiuod, let him appeal. But if tho Governor try him anew, or the suprome jndges, and fined the man really gailty, according to tbo previous sentence, then the puuishmont shall bo increasod. If the fine were ten dollars, then one dollar moro shall be added. If the punishment were two months hard labor, theu the time shall be lengthened five days. And in that proportion shall the punishment of all persons bo increascd who appeal without grounds. 21. OF THE PBOTECTIOV OF THE FISUEBIES. The following words are to be inserted in tho eighth secti°n ot third Chapter, on the 38th page; “The general tax officer may lay a protective tuboo on tho King’s fish, and also on those of the Iund agent’s, but the land agcnts and the King also, may eat of their own fish taboo'd by themselves, even bofore the taboo of the tax officer is repealed. 22. OF TAXIKO CXFI*BMSHED LAXD8. In the third Chapter, section 2nd, the following wonla shall be iuserted; ‘*If the tax officer preceive that theland is nnfarnished, having but few men, then it shall be his duty to diminish the taxation in a due proportion. He shall not look at the size of the land merely, nor at the nnmber of men only, but shall look at both togetber, and assess the tax juatly, that the bardens of all the people may be made alike. 23. OF DISPEXSIXG WITH LABOB DAT9. Iu ttie 3rd Chapter, 3rd section, on the 30tb page, the following words sball be inserted; “If the King choose to dispc-n.se with the labor of the people at any particolar plaee on tbe islands. and intead thereof to lay a regular tax on the people, it is proper to do 8o, bat the tax sball not exceed foar and a half dollars eaeh man, accordiug as is raentioned in the law. And if any man be taxed according to this pennission. and be do not pay it, be sh«ll tben be reqnired to work the fall namber of days he bas missed, and the same also witb tbe land agents. 24. OF THE EXACTIOX 0F XEW LAW3. The Constitution declares that, *'No new law ahall be enacted witboot tbe consent of a majority of the Hoase of Nobles, aad Representatives. That is well, as the chiefs believe, bat bere is a little further explanatioa. “ If His Majesty the King, the Premier and the Nobles resident near, perceive any particolar evil. and on that aeeoani ihink best.to pasa a new law, tbey may do it, and that law shall stand nntil the oext meetiog of the Legislaiare, when it shall be at the option of tbe 5obles and Representatives to con.firm or anonl it” All tbe words of these twenty-foor diTisions baving been approved by the Kob!es and the Representatire8, we hereby confirm fcbe same, aod sobscribe onr names this thirtyfirst day of May , in the year of our Lord one thoosand eight haodred aod forty-oue, at Lahaina, Maai. (8igned) KAMEHAMEHA III # KEKAU^UOHI. (To ōe Co*tinued.j