Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 176, 30 Iulai 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

QOHSALVES A!lw> Kr«p« oo RAO<i » 8nppJT of tb« Ve«7 Best Piooeer Soap In €«««(«.. «2, 30. 60 oad 70 B*r* «eb; THK BOAP 13 THE Piaest Imported Here. 3PECIAL PRICES FOR V CA3Ej1N LOTSM AINSLEV S C0MPS Celebrated Brands of SC0TCE WHISKEY Samety: BEN ALD0CHLAN, Ainsley's 0LD Blended ;Glenlivet GLHNLI0N, Extra, Spcoial 6LENLI0N SPECIAL LIOUEUH SC0TCH WHISKEY. POUND NOTICE. Notioe is hereby giveu to all persons that there are at the 0oremmeut Poncd at Makiki. four strayed horses. 1 poor red hor«e, white spots on the forehea<f, back and on tbe left side; brand AF queer brand on left hip; Iwo hind fetlocks white; ‘2 front hoofs shod; one black mare, white spoton forehea<l and back: brand, a heart; brand on left hip not distinot; soro back; one bay mare, white forehead; brand 2XMq; brands on left aud right hips indistiuct; one bay hone, fore fetlock white; brand on right hip Mj>; brand on Ieft not plain. All persons owuing same are reduested to take tne same on or before 12 o’eloek noon SATURDAY, AUO.4 1994. JAMES KUKONA, Ponnd Master. Makiki, July 21. 13W. jy21-dt p; O. Box 309. 409 Nnnann St. S. YASUM0RI, MERCHANT TAILOK. Dealer in Japanese OooHa, Boots and Shoes of Japanese mako; Oheap for Cash, New Ooods by Every Steamer. jy 23 LEE 8UNO KEE, 49 KLXQ STREET. TINSMITH, anu DEALER IN GLASSware, Crockei7, Coal-Oil Stores, Water Pots— Plnmbing in All IL» Brancbes Faithfnlly Executed. jylS-ly Y. LUM SING, Dealer in Fraits and Groceries. Fresh Fruit« by Eveiy Californi» Steamer, Eresh Isfand Bntter i from Hawaii. 135 Fort 8treet. Cotfee Roasted. P O. Box 169. Fresh Island Prodace, Goods Delivered to Any Part of the City, jy21 »iar« YIE.\ KEE, TINSMITH and DEALER I N TINWARE. Piping Laid and Repaired. A11 Orders PromptIy Attended to. Chargea Very Moderate. Call and See Ds. No. 222 Maunakea 81., Honolalu. *jyi20 Im “ ITOHA>V’ |MPORTEB axd DEALEB IN GENERAL I Uerehandi««. Excl«Mrirely of Japas««t> Maauf*ctun»—WHULE8ALE k BETAIL. 2M aod 206 Port Street. P. O. Box 116 Mntoal T«he. 502. jy 13 SAM yee hop, No. 522 King Street, De»ler in i CaIifornia and Hawaiian Fruits and VegeUhles. Goara Jelly, i Gold Fish and Ponltry. jy20 KING LUN, PH0T06RAPHER. Naaaaa aa4 Paaahl 6tre«U. | Cabinets. $3.50 Per Doaen, 2.00 Per 1-2 Doten. 8x10 15,50 Per Dosen, “ 3.50 Per 1-2 Doaen. 0ĒT ALSO, 0HINE8E 8ILK8 !