Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 176, 30 Iulai 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
r j FIRE AND MARINE THE CXDERSIGNED IS AUTHORIZED T0 TAKE FIRE axd MARIXE R1SKS ON Buildino:s, Merchandise, Cargoes, Freights and Conimissions At CuiTont Rates,'inTne Follo\i ing Cos. *V - xamely: ROYAL 1XSVRANCE GOMPANY, LIVERPOOL. ALLIANOE ASSURAN*CK FIUE * MAKINE. LONOON, WILHELMA OF MADGEBIIRG OENEKaL 1NSUBANCE 00. SUN INSURANCF COMPANY f SAN FRANCISCO. .1. S. WAI KER, for the Hawaiian Islands. £ PORTElt ? j Hohimou Bloclc , Hoiel St., heiween Fort and Nuuanu, Have Just Keceiv(d, yer Lat? Arrivals, tLe i r.rgest Slcck of JFUK N1TURE Ever Importod to this Country, Comprising Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Soliel Oak, and o/ thc LA TEST DESIGNS. /• ESPECIAL A'UPENUION IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS: WIOKEH WARE, Beautiful Designs of Wicker Ware, consisting of S0FAS, CHAIRS, R0CKERS, etc.,you ean get these in any FINISH you desire. CHAIRS, Couutless uumbers of CHAIKS, iu every style, including 0FFICE and HIGH CHAIKS. EXTEITSI01T TABLES, Wo have had a number of calls for these Tables, with CHAIRS to match. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING R00M FURNITURE EVER SEEN HEKE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffoniers 5> DI "\TA. 3XT S Divans covered with P0RTIEKS are becomiug quite the rage in pluee of L0UNGES—we manufacture them to order, and have a laige stock of P0RTIERS to select from. - * BEDDIIST G-. Great AssortmentofWOVEN WIKE MATTRESSES—Spring, Hair, Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses on hand and raade to order. LIVE GEESE FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS for PilIows. CRIBS, CRADLES, ete. WINDOW SHADES of all colors and sizes. C0RNICE POLES, in wood or bnss trimmings. 3=3 33 3P.A. 1131 Mattresses, Lounges and all Upholstered Furniture repaired at reasonable rates. CAB1NET MAKING, in all its branches, by Compeaent Workmen. MATTING LA1D and Interior Decorating under the Supervision of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Our Goods are First Class, aud our prices are the lowest Come and be convinced—a trial is solicited. Bell 525. telephoxes: Mntuai 645. DRDWAY & PORTER, Robinson Block, between Fort and Nnuanu Telephones: Bell 351 Mutual 417 REsidenc£: Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 E. B. THOMAS, C0NTRACT0R and BUILDER Estimates Griven on All Kinds or t K STi6 S WOOŪEN All Kinds of Jobbtng in the Building Tradc, Attended to. KEEPS BX>R SALE: BncK, Lime, Oemeni, Iron Stone Pipe and Fitiings, 01d A New Corrugated Iron, MintonjTilet, Qoarty Tiles, assorted sizes and colors; Galifomia and Monterey Sand, Granite Curbing and Blocks, etc., etc. 1Corner King <ft Smith Sts. Office Hoora, b to la II., i lo 4 P M.