Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 176, 30 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I The FHANK I.. H0068’ Pemnalh Condūcte(l Exeursion to the Volcano. LEAVINGONTHEKINAU FRIDAY, AUG. 3, 1894, ANO RETURNING TO TOWN ON SATURDAY, EIGHT OAYS LATEB. Some people who elaim to know a;! ;l it are ot the opinion ttiit the Crater’s present great sute of activ:ty may n»t Iast over two monlh’a, and then it ruav drop out of sight allogether, Ii lhis story shou,d turn out to be curxect, there wou!d be hundreds of people in this city who rou'd regret tbat thev a!Iowed an opportanity to visit it go by. Wby not go now? TheStearaer Kinau will Ieave on Friday, August 3d, with an Exc>'r8ioo Partv on lv>ard —another chanceot the same kind mav not present itse!f fir a long time, and you are ?are to enjoy the trip. A ticket will c:st vou #50. whieh inc!udes hotels and transportatiou. You wiil never forgct vour first ?ight oi tbe Great BurniHg Lake, and with—out see:ng it vou wiil remain in the dark as to its appearance, as no pen ean do it justice. The trip is a most enj n able one; you spend a day or so in the B.?aot.ful towu of Hilo; you tr.iverse the Volcmo Road with its weallh of tropicai fo!iage, and when you reach the Volcano Hons< you wiil sav th.it the trip, so far, is of the memonihle order. But this is nothing compareii to the awful splend.ir of the Crater; there is nothing like it in this earth. Re.;d the Advertiser ot Monday, July 23rd, and get an idea of what awaits you high up in the mountains of Hawaii. j}'-b

P. O. Box 4S0. Muīual TklkpH >xk 245. The CKeapest Plaee * on the Islands to Buy NewandSecond Hand Furnitnre V IS AT THE CORNEH OF King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L Honoluiu ir»

\ DEfApRE the Hawn M®w Service o L. M. JoHX30N, Manag;er Mulual Tcl 5S» Bdl T«l 559 OFFICE Id M.VSOSIC BLTLDLSG We *rc prcp»r«fU to furni*h aollonneU me* 8c-ntrer» at »11 hour*. Promptnr«* «od Mtl*1 factlon ettaraoteed. I You Hn< n* up and we «III d<> tb<- re«l. Hoorijr rafe* 40 cents. For di»taoce r*tes ' «ce Mf»āeDgers Map. )r5 "m TO U:T or LEAME. Abonse on Kmg Street next toT. R. WaJk> ePa premiae contuiniug p«rlor, dining room and tbree heUmoma, be«ide« kitchen bathroom attblea and all modern eoneemenots —lately occnpied by Mr. Bushee. Bent moder»te to resp<jnsibie party. AddreM lyl« AEKAHAM FEBNANDEZ. Femandes & Gomes -WHOLE3ALE Callfornia Wines and Spirits, , No. 502 Fort St., Honolulu, H. I. • P. O. Box 436, Mutual Tele. 140. ! jr30 2m W mg 8ij|ff Chtn ( - NO 3» SUUAXU STREET, HONOLULU Xa.ilor A tine aaeonmeui of Amenean, Eng!bh and Scotch Oloiha on Land good work »nd a F1RST CLA?S fit guaranteed CiotheseaecIdo A repa>red jj71m Tal WoWlng Kee Co. ._ ■* ** 'ā ■- **• » NUUANU STR&£r a Ce tien in Lailiea’ <t Genta’ Boote and Shoea made U> order. FOB««

Dong Branch -8ATHmOEstablishment. — This First-Class Bathing Rp»ort has been enlarged and is now open to the puhlie, It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a Bath. and thcre ie no better nlaee to Iay off. Special accommodation9 for Ladies. Tramcare pass the d*K)r every half hour, and on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen miuutee. C. J. SHERWOOD, jy24 Proprietor. Y0K0HAMA — Corner of — HOTEL <k NUUANU Srs. Silk and Crepes, Embroidcred Hadkerchiefs, Window Cortain9, Straw Hata, Fans, Lanterns. Bastets. all »orts; Disbes, Tea and Breakfast Sets. Trays, FIower Pots, Silk Bedquilts, Bamboo Screecs, Neek-liea, Silk and Crepe Shirts, Japaues« Toys. Japanese Provisions by the wholesale. jy28 MURATA & CO. ADJIIX lMTRATOR'M NOTl€E. THE UNDEBSI<»S‘EI> h*ri n * Wn doU appoiat«d Admuu*trak>r ol th« E*:»te of FABIA KALOI k. >f Mokae. H.tav Moai, daee«ae<), woold hmwtU> noūa* u> ali persoas hariag &oe->nnu th* laki to prawBt tbraa lo him, pr>periv tvon lo, «ithin aix monlha frum d*te henoL or they wiH be fonarer bund. Aod aU penou owu»g th« «ūd «*tate are rvquestad to MCtie (unhwuh. M. H. BEUTEB. Adminiatrator of tba £*tate el Pahia W*lr* Hana, llaai,/aly 7th, 1391. iy9-lm