Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 176, 30 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Pro<rramme «l’ BICYCLE MEET To be Hekl On Saturday, Aug. 11th KAPIOLANI PAUK, 2:30 p.m. rp 1— One Mile Dash, open; Golil Medal. 2— Hal£ Mile Dash, novice; Silrer Medal, 3— One Quarter Mile Dash, open; Silver Medal. m 4— One Half Mile Dash, boys nnder 15 years; Silver Medals; first and second. 5— One Half Mile Dash, open; Gold Medal. fl—One Mile Dash, three minule class; Silver Medal. 7 —Three Quarter Mile Dash, open; Gold Medal. S—One Dash, novice; Silver Medals. £ntrance Fee for lU'ea Xos. 1,5 and 7, $1.50; all oth«rs, entrance $1. All Entries to Close ON MONDAY, Ang. flth, 12 noon, at the office of H. £. Walker, Merchant Street, Honoluln. Generd Admission, 50 cts; Grand Staud, extra, 25 cts; Qa*rter Stretcb B«dges, $2.00 eaeh; Carriages <inside of racecourse} $2.50. ]y27 Golden Rule Bazaar, Depot for NEWSPAPERS anp PERIODICALS by every . incoming steamer. Subscriptions Fayable in Advance. DOMESTIC 8EWINO MACHINES. Tbis Maehine is the King oi all. On it yon ean make a Loekstitch, Chain-stitch. Embroidery, Untton-holes, RutUes, Tncks. Gnitars, Lawa Teimis, | Baseball, Croqnet. SUiiouery and Blank Books at J5ST*Cash Phices, Hasd Sewing Maehinea from eight doliars &nd a half op. jjy27