Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 176, 30 July 1894 — LADIES COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

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Tbis week will be one yoa wiH all rememi>er asi ie from Doable W:dth Serges (all wool> at 50 cents a yard. WaiaU will receire aa awfal Cat; socb as Cbildren s Donble Ve Waists in two weigbta fSummer and Winter ) Equipo r se Ladies Waists. Compromi»e Bodice WaistaJeaness Miller Waists. Children’s Reefer Jackets and Cbildren’s Long Cashmere Coats. | Anotber line of goods tbat are wortby of yonr notice will be our Tusore Draperies for Curtain* and DiTans, tbere is no reason wby you sbould let tbem pass. You all know yonr friend, tbe P. D. Corset, none better were ever made, or so!d at onr prices. j Ask to see our Tan Colored * ! Hosien* to matcb the different i sbades of sboes. We bave tbem for ladies aud children all sizes, and wben it gets to L idies aud Cbildrens Black IIosiery—no I other House iu towu ean offer you sucb a st ek to select from or i at our prices. At tbe same time buy bubby a dozen of Fast Black Socks, b>r Two Dollars, he is now paying more mouey f >r tbem. SATURDAY, Aug. 4th, will be tbe great Hosiery day witb ns, though we won’t refuse to sell you them duriug tbe week. Oue tbing we wish to irapress upon your rainds, and that is we are actnally selling goods for lesq» money than we ever bave before, ■ all through the bouse, you will 1 find a general mark down; they are tbe same Higb Class of Goods we bave always carried; j the secret of it all is, we are satisfied with less profit. We bave a lot of material that will make Handsome Costumes I for the Musquerade Ball. Vours etc., K. F Khlers «V Co. jy23-tf