Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 176, 30 Iulai 1894 — Hare and Hound Race. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hare and Hound Race.

Tbe Honolulu Amateur Athletic Club had their second paper chase ou Satnrday afteruoon, tbe 28th inst. The Hares James Spencer aud Lui Singer started from the corner of Fort and Kiug streets. at 5:20 sharp, and the hounds after tbem at 5.30. Tbe course wasout Kingdown to the water front. and back np Punchbowl. down Sohool to Nun- i anu, Vineyard and tbrough tbe rivor and several other streeta to the Y. M. C. A., from there back to the startiog point. Spencer and Sioger eame in at 6:30. The honnds eame in. in tbe foilowiug order, beating the bares j ou time. H. A. A. C. D*Croaier, W White. i T rrice, W Prestedge, ; W Lyle, W Thou»pson, ! W Boiater. H. B. M & L'Lainpiem. B Knight, Boardnun, OompheiH.