Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 176, 30 Iulai 1894 — BETTER THAN CROWLEY’S [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Several Personaliy Condu:t:d Enterprises of the Past There have been several c‘p«rsonally condacted” schemes in thig conntry. The p. g. tried one. and D M. Crowley has jost j finishcd his last. Bot the eicarsion efibrt in this line to tbe volcano. whieh Fraok L. Hoogs is I getting np.bidsfair to bea greater saccess than either of tbe others. Mr. Hoogs has been working hard to ensure the comfort and 1 pleasare of those accompany him, ; aud tbat he will do it, is not doubted by those who are ae- ' quainted with him. The party will leave here on the Kinaa next Friday, and will be gone for eight days. This is not a long trip, bat one whieh many ean, a greet, many | ean, take withont any tronble at all, at;d one that they will never regret. The bark S. C. Allen, Captain ; Thompson, will sail for San Francisco this afternoon with a light load of sngar. The Steamer Waiman tlo, Capt. Davies, left port here this moruing, with a full cargo, for varioas ports on Oahu. Tbe stoamer Mokolii, Commo- ! dore McGregor, will leave port this evening at 5 o’eloek for Molokai and Lanai ports. Mr. Will H. Mclnerny, will «ct as attorney for Mr. Miehael Mclnerny, duriug the latter’s bsonce at Uie Coast. The Honolulu Amuteur Athletic Base Bali Club, will have a practice game on the Makiki grounds this oveniug at 5:30 p.m. Burglaries on the Plains still eonlinue to bo reported without any menlion of the personality of the burglar. There will be au open air eoncert, by the band, at Emma Square, this evening; eommeneing at 7:30 o’eloek. No new pieces. Arthur Johnstone, editor of the Star, was the Chronielorrespondent and, very probably, is Sonth East Bishop is also a correspondont, but of the United Press, whieh corporation is reported to have but little life left. Joseph E. Wiseman, onee wellknown bere as a combination of a ‘society aud business mau,” has be6n lat«ly heardfrom. He mentious many residents hero who are uow prominent in politicsand touches upon a ‘gold eheek deal’ made some yoars ago, with a loeal bank clerk. He proposes to present some printod matter on the snbject in a sworn a£fida vit, in tho near future. W. M. Cunninghara is still Ukiug his chances on Long Life Whisky and Ka Leo cocktails. He telephones to us that the cherries are holding out, but that Bush s admirers and Samoan friends are nearly fiuishing bis stock of the Long Li?e. lf you want to try it, burry up, or you will mix your Saturdays and Sundays up in a sad degree.