Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 176, 30 July 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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I There is a snrfeit of J.-»panese j female house-servants in tov»n. | The Nnuana stream, as seen from the fin>t Im'lpe, b«s heeome almost drv * The bark R.P. Rithet is making a long passage from San Franciseo. this trip. Admiral Walker bat returned j to tbe Flagship Philadelpbia | after a short sojourn at Waima- i nalo. Tronble is rei»orted to be brewing amongst the Japanese lnborers at Makaweli plant«tion, Kanai. The bktne Planter, Capt. Dow, sailed 8atnrday afternoon for Laysan island, to load guano for this port. The C. and A. Co’s steamer Arawa is dne here on Wedne«day next, from the Colonies. en roote to Vancouver B. C. Do not forget the concert and ball at the hall uf tho 8cottish Thistle Club on next Fnday erening, Angust 3rd. — The continued absence of tbe wiae president of the Board of Health will probably prevent a meeting of that body this week. — Thesteamera Iwalani, Claudine ! aml Mikahala brought a total of 7,400 bags of sngar to port here during the past forty-eight honrs. lt may not be genorally known but, it is a fact that, Laysan island is taboo to visitors; no porsons being allowed passage tbereto. The rains of yestorday fell more in the lower part of the city than in tho mountains; as a cousequonce the reservoirs received Iittle benofit. The thrilling drama of “Oeeauiea’’ turned out to be a roaring farcc, on last 8aturday evoh1ng, at tho Oj>era House, and to a very poor andience. The presideutial side of Emma street is recoiviug a careful adamization aud pressing. Both »team rollers have boen omployed thereou for some time past. Col. W. H. Cornwell, C. W. Ashford Esq. and Gorham D. •Gilman and wife returned hither from windward ports, by the stoamer Claudine, yesterday. Tomorrow is shore drill day for the sailors and marines of the Flagsbip Philadelphia. Battalion drill will probably bo held at the old Recreation grounds. The telephone wires connected with several houses on Nuuaun street. show the profuseness of loeal vegotation in the display of running viues ou mauy of them. The Holomua gives its employees a holiday tomorrow. As tho allegeil “republicans’’ eelebrate thfir holidays the boys working here consider themselves entitled to follow suit. It was geuerally reporteil this morning tbat a shootiug scrape bad takcn plaee at the Hote). A captain with a posse of officers left for the supposeil scene of aelion and returned with a report that the alann was nnfonnded. The Hawaiian Naiioual Band will give an open air concert tomorrow evening, at tbe gronods of the Hawaiian Hotel, in eommemoration of thc anniversary of tho restoration of the indej*endence of Hawaii by Rear-Admir-al Thomas, on July 3Ist 1843. The oba)lenge of the owaors of thc Nevada to Mr. W. H. Conv well has not beeu acoepted. Tho owner of Jobnny Hayward desires to take his horse home* to his own ranch and does not consider the present circumsUnces of tbo country conducive to the encouragemeut of horae r*cing.. In due time Johnny Hayward will b« |U«re, ...