Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 176, 30 Iulai 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
C1TY DRAYAGE C0. St«nd: Queen «nd Fort Street?. \Vbite snd BIack Sand. Draying Done at Rea?nnable Ratea. W. F. SHARRETT. MkM ’.K. rr MACHINE MADE POI! FACTORY, : : KALIHI. Tart> Plants, Fresh Toi»s and Raw Taro at all times. Ring Up MiUual TeIephone 577. Bell 345. W. L. WILCOX, jy25 Manager. RD*G I P MITUAL TELK. SI2. NiEPER'S Baggage Express. 229 Fort St,. Honolulo. IL I. Baggage and Furniture Carefully Hand!ed a«d Delivered at Short j Notice to All Parts of the City. Stand on Cor. of Fort Queen Ste. ir» gm~ POSTPONED. A.xiotion Sale o< Rice l > lantnta.tioii at AVaikiki-kai. In per»n»ncv of in#truotlon« from 80 Sl’X of Ewa, I«lan»t of Oahu. H. L, tnortc»C*« uamoii in a C'hattie Mortga£i>. execnted by OHEONO KIM TAL dated October 24th. 1S92, *nd recorded in Liber 139. p«ces 2Ō7-8. 1 ahall sell to the hisbe«t biddcn ai »action. »t my 8*1 c» Room, Hooolain. onSATURDAI the 4th d»y of Aog., 1894, »t 12 o'eloek noon, tho follow!mr propertr, y\x: Tbe Kieo Planiaiiou, knowa m the Choon< Klm T*i. ;,formcrly the Te« Hop Co), PlanUtk»n, at W aikiki-kai, Honolnlu, inoIadin« »11 ieases of iands embracod thorein, on whieh are dwelling Uouse, outbonso«. threshing floor and cqn!pmonta of a well condncted rie« plantation; also »11 the implemeuta of cu!tV ration, horsos, etc. A scbednle of the loascs and otber propert» concerned may be «oen at the olHee C. W. AsHroHD, Attorney for the Mortgasreo. Terms of Sale, Cash, Deeds at expen«e ot purcha.ser. L. «T. Levey, Auction<er. The above saie i» i«t»tponed to Augu«t 4th, bv order ol C. W. ASHFORD, Attoraey for Mortgagoe. T. B. Murray I» Yet (o be Found On tlie OI«l N(aud, ,\o. 44 Klng W,— III» BiiHine*fi um CARRIAGE AND uJn ir Goes On. When the “PEOPLES’ P ARTY” gets smashed he will be ready to EEPAIR, PAIKT AND TR1MIT At a Reasonable Figure.— N’o Extra Charge for Fnmi3hing them with Common bense. LET THEM RING UP MUTUAL TELEPHON’E 572. jy216m City - Carriage M’F’Q. Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. \ BEflT, H^uim Blacksmith Work A5D Carriage Repalring PAINTING : AND : TRIMMING In all its Branches, at Bed Bock Pneea. Maiuai Telephone 383 Giye us a Call andjudge yoaw«lf. jy23 CRITERION SALOON, Wcilgmd • Extra • Pa(c Lager Eeep ■a - 8cbooo«n for 25 Cts. h. a. DBB, Prop'r