Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 176, 30 July 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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-United Caniage Company, M. REIS i J.C. OUINN =290= ■■■■■■—BWB TO THE PCBUr.-U you ihinkine «!x>ūt »hopping. c«Uinji or t*kiug in the fi§hts, ring uj' 290. »here rou ean obtain « hni-ela»» eamaiee wlth <ics«nt hors« and a cīt0 drircr, or if tou ehooīe to driTc jour5clf, ve eau accomicodate tou vith «tjlUh Hnueiea. Phaelon#, Surrics iixl W»gonettee. We haTe for liTerr honea the tīnc5t roadsters in the RepnbUc. Our liTerr horscs eompeUe some of the veIl-knovn rōadstcr?. »Qch as the GraT-eagle. White-svaa. Piinee Heurr, Abddellā, Koanoke, Ladv Templeton. SteTevhipper «nd other*; a child eau drire a«T of thcse horscs. bnt it takes a Kar.#a< epeioae to p«ss one of them on the ro«d. Kor further partlculara, riog up 290. or eall at onr stand and office nert lo E. O. Hall « Son. jy 26. K13. C ROAVE. House Sign aml Oinamenial Painter. Manufacture of Liquid Siating. 109 King Street. augl (ipwnmnh JJHCK <^TO T D. eOKNEH OF Nuuanu and Beretania Streots. 561 r~ Both 561 GOOD, HELIAELE and jy27 tf CIVIL DRIVERS. T. H. Davies & Co., X-ii22CXited.. Fresh Feed and Flour From WA8HINGT0N. Lion Flour, 0ats, Barley, JVIiddlings, Bran, Per “Warrimoo,” Just to Hanel. New Dry Goods Crockery, Hardware, Qroceries, To Hand. F0B Baiiey Honoiulu Made Wlre Voven Matresses ana Hammocks Jr** FOR 8ALE. Ona M*rqoee Tent. uew; 16x32 feet; 6 feet WaU; 13 Boof; 8 oz. Dock; Polee. Befter, etc. Iaqoire a HOLOMUA 0FFI(