Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 175, 28 July 1894 — Brainless Vaporings OF VAPOROUS BRAINS OR The Constitution of the Republic of Hawaii. [ARTICLE]

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Brainless Vaporings OF VAPOROUS BRAINS OR The Constitution of the Republic of Hawaii.

Editob Holomui. Years ago in 1885- 6-7 we used to be treated daily, by tbe party revolutionized thempower today bv the assistance o( that arch Devil Stevens, to diatribes about one max powkk as used by the late Ring for ihe purposa o( carrying out his own ends. Strange anachronism but nerertheless a fact anotber King assumes control, and under the pover vested in him by his vaporous constitution in artiele 17 section 4 he becomes a veritable dispot. Strange but truej“whorfj the Gods destroy, they first make mad” and where in the worlds history has there been so mueh madnees displayed as ean be fouud in this dream of ihe wide acres tbro«n to the winds and ealled “coustitution;“ betiar have )et it take a walk for the benefit oI its eonstitution, ihan hoping for any idea of its success ever being accomplished. Sbortly before the Bepublic was proolaimed a man of eight years residence and poe&essing property took the oath aa pres cribed to snpport ihe Bepublic and voted for delegstes to ihe eonveation, now mark where he

got left when he wanted to iegister as a roter under the Bepnblic. read arlicle 17 section 2. He was good enough to rote for the delegates to the convention but the Aotocratic Kiug (of oue mm power) s*ys he cmnot vote under the Dole Repoblic. To sbow tbe absard iaconsĪ3tencies of anto cratic King, he aseames to himself the right (uot given in the constitution) to ask wbether tbe app!icaut signed the annexatioo roll? W hat the devil has the annexation roll got to do with citixens of the Bepablic of Hawaii ■? that thing. fathered in iniquity and f«»istedfcbn the people to catch votes and sympatby on the 17th. Jannary 1893 is bosted i loug ago, and where does it eome in now ? £ight years this same man bas lived here, spent his money here. paid taxes on property here, used hisrigbt of franchise bere, and | yc«, he is denied the right to have a voice in tbe atfairs of the Kepuhlie, and why ? Simply because one man powek under this , beautifol constitution says NO, ' yet tbis same King signed a permit for an adventnrer who has uot been four months in the j country, who has uever paid taxes, who bas not a dollar at stake, aud gave him all the rights of citizenship. Beautiful judice, Uautiful constiiution. Next, the same man tried naturalization under article 18. But there comes a cincher, sec. 5 says, only foreigners ean be naturalized whose country has treaty relations with the Hawaiian Republic. Poor devil, left again. because not a single eountrj' in the world either has or ever will have treaty relations with such a eoneem. To sum np, everybody is disfranchised except those dollar seeking poltroons who carried guns to put into power men who are seeking their own selfish ends, and yet we are expected to believe in their immaculate purity of motives. Bah ' The wonder to me is that there ean be found among us men of ordinary intelligenca in other respects, yet, when it comes to being led by tho noao by tho missionary clique they go like lambs to the slaugbter. How a majority of 38 men who sat in that convention could pass Art 17 is beyond my conception, because 1 the autocratic power of one man ean make the article a whip with whieh tcD lash almost every mother’s son of them when he goes to register. Citizen.