Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 175, 28 July 1894 — Not Equity. [ARTICLE]

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Not Equity.

— The senate, si>eaking for Unelo Sam, says the people of Hawaii shall form their owu government. That is all well enough, but the trouble of the watter is tbat th« peoplo of the Hawaiian lslands aie now powerless to act in the matter for reasou that the United States overturned their governraent aud put them at the mercy of a lot of adventurers who then formed au oligarchy that has since beon streogtheued to sucb an extent that it will reqnire a bloo«ly war to oust thom.President Cleveland was right abont the matter. The Queen should hjTve beeu restored to her rights by the United States government. And the very fact that the senate voted uuauimously for the resolution is?an endorsement and a perfoct viudication of tbe president’s eouwe in the raatter. The senate says in the resolu tion that tho United States ought uot in aoy way to interfere therewith, and that any intervention in the polUioal nffairs of tbose islands by any other government will be reganled as an act msfriendly to the United States. In other words, the United States, through the jackasaeduess of its minister, got the people of Hawaii into trouble, and now tbey ean fight it out as best thoy ean, and neither will tbo United States take a hand to help tbem back to tbeir rights nor allow any other nat ion to do 80. Thi» raay be national law, bnt it is not equity by any manner of means.— Ex.