Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 175, 28 July 1894 — Why Dole Is Not Recognized? [ARTICLE]

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Why Dole Is Not Recognized?

The following paragraph whieh appeared in the Review9 of Re▼iews shows plainly why Franc« refuses to recognize the present abortive goTernment of Hawaiinei: An intereeting article on the castes of India. by M. Emile Senart. a member of the institute, repreaents them as a sort of natural mould in whieh Hindoo races instinctly f«Il; inaomueh as tbose who have lost ca*te, begin to re-form c«stes on a lower level, and find other outcasts todespise. And, moreover. these layers of human society whieh seera so strict are iu reality traversed by perpetual ourrent. Even the highest of all. that of tbe Brah mins, the pivot upon whieh tbe others raay be said to turn, is not free from intiusions whieh provoke a smiie. A painful article by Rierre Loti, entitled “Profanation,’ is followed by one of the Crisis in Hawaii, in favor of the half English Queen, daughter of the Princess Likelike, and the Honorable Archibald Cleghorn. To any interference on the part of Araerica. France would be mueh opposed, and could not see wlth indifference any other than the native flag floating above the walla of Honolulu.