Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 175, 28 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WILLIAM FOSTER. ATORNET AT LAW 4 NOTaRT Pl'BUC. Honolulu. H. I., 13 KaHhumaau Street. jy24 MACFA_RLANE k CO. Deakrs in Wines and Spirits Kuhamun Street, Honoloh:. J. PHILL1P8, PRACTICAL PLUMEEH, GAS.FITTEB DOPPEB-SMITH, Hcrase and Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street. Honolnln. Dr. ATCHERI.EY, M. R. C. 8. (Eng.) L. K. C. P. (Load.) AS REMOVED T0 OFFICE FORMERLY occopie<l by Dr. Foote, Corner ok Pcnchbowl*axd Bebetaxi* Stkekts. Mnt. 2»4, Bdl 841. ja29 Im H. E. McINTYRE «t BRO., &BOCEBT, FēED StORE <t BaKEBT, Corner of King and Fort Sts., Honolnlu LEWIS J. LEVEY. Heal Estate and rieneral Anctioneer. 3orn«riFort and Qaecn Streeta, Honolulu Personal attentinn given to Sales of Fnrnilure, Koal Estate, Stock aud General Mercbandise. Mntnal Tcleohone 238 H. LOSE, N otary !Public. Collector and General Business Agent. Paienke of Lose t s Chemical Compound for Clarifying Cane Jutce. Sub-Agent for several of the Best *FIRE INSURANCE COS. Iintual 'l'elephone s. P. 0. Box 338. Merchant street. Honolulu. “FAT B0Y.” I P. McINElRNY, Proprietor, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. Cor>eb Bethel axd Hotkl Sw. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory m& a» W. W. WRIGUT, Pbophiktor. (8ucccMor to 0. West). ARRIAGE BITLDIXG xsd RKPAIR1NG. All Onler» from the Other I»Unds in the rrla<e BuiWing, Trimtnin* *nd Paintln£ ie uill Moel wlth Prompl Attentlon. Uacks.m;thiiur in AU lU Varions B«ncbe* ne. P. O. Box 8SL Noe. 138 *nd ISO rt Street. W. S. LUCE Wine and Snirit Merchant OampUU Fxrt-proof Block, MERCHANT ST.. HONOLHU. Anchor-:-Salom Ex “AUSTRALIA, i | Another Invoice of the Vorld Renowned FREOERICKSBURa UGER EEER On draught snd by thfkeg. Also, as a Speci*ty, SUAU FRESH CilF0RII* 0YSTERS j |ATTJa FOB