Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 175, 28 July 1894 — HAWAII'S “BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]

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CONSTITUTION and LAWS Fram«l bv the Missiouaries. LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 10. OF MULTIPLTING L.UNO AOINT3. In the third Chapter, ninth sectiou, 39th page, the follo\ving wonls shall be inserteJ; “And their land agents.” It will then read thus, “lt shall be the duty of thoso to whom the King gives land and aho of their land agtnts, to see th »t thev do not establish,” etc. 11. OF THE TAX POR THF. VEAR 1841. Tho following is the land tax for the yoar 1841, and is publishod for the information of the tax officers, and of tho people nniversally. 1. Money is the standard by whieh all taxes and assessraents are to be estimated, and it would be vory well if all men would pay their taxes in money. 2. Knkni nuts are valunble propert}'. In plaeea whoro the kukui nuts abound, the tax shall be in those, according to the seizo of the land so the tax ahall be apportioned out. The price shall be a dollar and a half por barrel. Six barrels and two thirds will be eqoal to a fathom swine. 3. Arrow root is Where arrow root is abundant tho taxes shall be taken in arrow root. And tho tax shall be proportioned to the seize of the land. The prico shall bo the same as that of live pork, that is throe couts per pound. Threo hundrod aod thirty-throo pounds aro equal to a fathom awine. 4. Turmerick is aUo a valuable articlo. Whore turmer iek is abundant, tbo taxes shail be in that. The prioo by the pouud shall bo same as that of arrow root. 5. M here none of these kinds of property ean bc obtained, and fish are abundant, there the tax shall be Iaid in fish; aud shall be in proportion to whut the tax of the land would be in money. If the land woukl be taxed a fatbom swino, then thero shall be an amount of fish equal in value to ten dollars. 6. If none of the articles mentioned above ean be obtained, then the tax officer shall ascertain whethor thero be any other article of a fixed value, but if the peoplo possoss no such article, then swine will bo taken. i . Furthermoro, every man shall carrj’ his taxes to a plaee suitable for vossels to go and recoivo them, to such plaee too as the tax officer shall appoint. These taxes are confined to the preseut year, but if found to be suitable, will be continued, bat if not, will be abandoned. 12. OF ART1CLES ON THE koU\TAINS WHien ABE TABOO. In tbe third Chapter, section 20th, on the 53rd page, the following words shall be inserted: “But the Ohia Lehua whieh one man ean clasp shall not be t.»booed. All persons ehall have a rigbt to take it. >Jor shall there be any t »boo on those things whieh are lying on tbe lop of the grouud, nor on the fruit of the trees, orroots growiug iu tbegrouod. It shall be improper for the konohiki to taboo any other article eieepl timber. 13. of those wao abe abs*xt ov the labob Da ys. In the third Chapter. third section, on the 20th page, certain words are erased, and certain other ahnll be inserted. The following words shall be erased; eenis" and the words inserted shall be, “<me rinl” and al80,- ‘land agents and officers shail not refuse tbat price.” lt will then read as follows: “He tbat gives previons notice shall pay one n’o/, and tbe land agents and officers sball not refuse that price.” 14. 0F TH1 I5TEBCHAX0E OP LABOB WEr.ES. The Nob‘e have agreed tbat tbe poople sbalt labor on two we«ks for the King and Iand agents If it be agreed tbat those two weeks shail be in succession it is well, and if it be agreed to work on one and pass one, or to excbange, that also is well. 15. of CUBSIXO. In the twelfth Chapter, at the end of tbe first section, on the 81st page, tbe fotlowiog words sha'l be inserted; ‘ Bnt if tbe enmiual choose to p«y a fine iu money or other property. and so eaeape iroas it U well, thongh in thatrrespect | it ahai) be as he ean agree witb the one whom be ccrsed, . tbe judges alao seeing tbat thera is a due proportioo be tweeu tbe crime and pnnishment. 16. 0F THS PEOPLE WHO WOM 0X THE LABoK DAYS. Tbe following wor)s ara inserted in tbe lhird section, ou i tbe twenty-ninth page “But if a maa g » abroad, and ihe iabor day of tbe Kiogtir kingdom »rnves. if tbe struoger labor> it abatl than be tbe duty of tbe tax officer to give bim a eertifieate, and tbaa he shall nok be reqmred to woik again when he returas to bia own piaee. (To Be Coniimad.,<