Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 175, 28 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
— Corner of — HOIEL & MAUNAKEA Srs. S.’k and Crepes, Embroidered Hadkerchiefs, Window CurUins, Straw Hats, Fans. L'’nterns, Basfcets. all sorts; DisheB, Tea and Breakfast Sets, Trays, Flower Pots, Silk Bēdquilts, Bamboo Screens, Xeck ties, Silk and Crepe Shirts, Japaaese Toys. Japanese Provisions by tbe wholesale. jy28 MURATA & CO. Dr. MeLENNAN, Fort Street, above Hotel. Mulual Telephone 682. for offlce; 287 lor residence. jy28 I 3 ro*2ri‘aniiiie of BICYCLE MEET To be Held On Saturday, Aug. 11th 1— One Mile Daah, open; Gold Medal. 2— Half Mile Dash, norice; Silver Medal, 3— One Qnarter Mile Dash, open; Silver Medal. 4— One Half Mile Dash, boys nnder 15 years; Silver Medals; first and second. 5 — One Half Mile Dash, open; Gold Medal. # 6— One Mile Dash, three minule clasa; Silver Medal. 7— Three Quarter Mile Dash, open; Gold Medal. 8— Oae Mile Dash, noviee; Silver Medala. Entrance Fee (or Ra es Nos. 1, 5 and 7, $1.50; all others, entrance $1. AU £ntries to GIose ON MONDAY, Aug. 6th, 12 noon, at the office of H. £. Walker, Merchant Street, Honolnlu. General Admission, 50 cts; Grand Stand, extra, 25 cta; Quarter Stretch Badges, $2.00 eaeh; Carriages (inside of race course) $2.50. Golden Rule Bazaar, Depot for NEWSF APERS asd PERIODIC ALS by every incoming steamer. JSC* Subscriptions Payable in Adrance. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES. This Maehine is the King o( all. On it you ean make a Loekstitch, Chain stitch. Embroidery, Button-holes, Ruffles, Tucks. Guitars, Lawn Tennis, Baseball, Croqnet Statkmery and Blank Books at Cash Prices. Hand Sewing Machines (rom eight dollars and a half np. [jy27 F. GERTZ, BOOT A9D SHOEM AKER 1 Repairtng Ncatiy Uoae. Oppoaite Uw Ctab 8uhk*. Fort 8twet,