Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 175, 28 July 1894 — LADIES COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

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YvMi our advise Iasl week and h.»ve pr>»fited by our Ho6Īerr offer, and we think are satisfird you have the best of ihe B*rgain. there are not many left. but what tbere is go al our Cut Price. All through this week your srrlling faces will mean tbe Blues to us. 1 as we see Bundle after Bundle of | Victoria Lawns going out of the | store at 75 cents for 10 yards—and Merrimac Prints at 50 cents tor 10 yards—and Ginghams, that are Ginghams, 12 yards for II —or Browo Cottons for II, ean ! you blame ns the 61ues when you are corrying off goods at thrse prices? This thing goes on all the week. WEDNKSDAY,JULY 25. marks another day of Sacritice so far as we are concerned. Colored Wool Dress Goods (all wool) you have psid us 75 cents for s,ime Class of Goods. Now they are yours at 50 cents a yard. These g<x)ds are worth buying if yoa don’t make them up for a year. They are all Xew Goods and Patteros. SATCRDAY. JULY 28, takes in everything, but the Remnant Buyers will have it all their own way. Every pieee we have goes without reserve at your own prices—.ts a pienie for you, but we want the roora for New Goods. Underwear is receiving our special attention. the mark down has heen general all through our Stock, in fact the fundamental law of our house is to sell a**p very small profit in every Department the days of fancy prices are over. Next week you will hear something to your interest. Yours etc., B« F. Ehlers & €o. j V 23—tf