Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 175, 28 July 1894 — The Lee Tong Assault Case. [ARTICLE]
The Lee Tong Assault Case.
It will be remembered that . Gideon West was assaulted a few days ago by a Cbinese haek- I driver naracd Lee Tong who was > ■ arrested. Tbe case was tried this ! ' morning in the District Conrt ! before Jodge Robertaon. Gideon jWest aud Dr. MeLennan were j called as witnessesby the prosecu- ! tion while Mr. C. Creighton, the | attorney for the defense called i Deputy Manhal Brown and Lee Tong. The case la*ted all morn- i ing, and resulted in a decision of ‘‘guilty” and a fine of f25. The defendant noted an appeal to the Circuit Court.
Late news from S.tmoa gives the information that a petition. emanating from the German offieial authorities in Samoa, wus, before the departure of the mail, ; being circulated for signature, ' praying the German Emporer to aunex Samoa. At a meeting of the trustees of the Queen's Hospital, held in the rooms of the Chamber of Comraerce, tbis raorning, it was voted to appropriate raoney to meet the expenso cf the additiou of an artesian well tothe institution. — Alfred Griffiths, the son of the popnlar Captain Griffiths of the bark AWert, is reported by the Examiner to have made another record run from San Francisco to Salinas, lllmilea, carrying200 copies of paper. The distance was covered in uine hours; the papers being carried, on the twenty-five pounds Cleveland wheel, on a platforra over rear wheel behind the saddle. Tbe eecond bare and bonnds race, or “paper chase” will be atarted this afternoon,at 4o’clock from Mclntyre’s corner, Fort and King streets, and promiaes to be very interesting. James Spencer and Louis Smger will be tbe 1 hares and William Prestige will be tbe captain of the hounds. The finish will end at tbe plaee of start and about 7 o’eloek. 1 The hounds feel confident of a capture. i It is rnmored that the Philadelpbia will leave next Wednesday for target practice. The “unofficial” eall a few days ago 1 of Dole and Jones, it is claimed | was caused by a well understood ’ anxiety on the part of the govi ernment to prevent the departure ‘ of the “sheet-anchor” of the Rer public even for a day or two. ‘ You are safe gentlemen. Let the Philadelpbia go and don’tlet her * departure disturb your sleep. . By the Irmgard Billy Cunningham received a fine lot of proserved cherries a most valuable l ingridementfor a first class eoek8 tail. Out of eomplimeni to Mr. ? Bush who is advertising tbe An chor Saloon — a first class manner the great concocter has inj vented a A'o Leo cocktail made principally from Long Life whiekey and fiavored with mīniaienal records. Malieioa memoirs, 8amoan experiences ni and Cherriea Come on. Johnny, and try onel i i There is one tbing thal a man » yet ean do in this country withj out a guardian, and with some i. p easure. You can’t regtster, yon can’t vote, your divoroe ia per guardian, yoar marriage will , be per gnaxdian, in («ct, after a , while yonr funeral will bē per f guardian. But you eao get a ) abave at Chiiton’s barber ahop - whieh will indaoe you to believe j tbat you aro either in Heaven or » as near it aa you oan poeaibly be —aay in 0ole’s pruid$ntial ohair.