Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 175, 28 Iulai 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
C1TY DEAV AGE C0. Stand: Qa*ea *nd Fort 9t«et5. Wbite »nd B!*ck Sand. Drajring Done at Re**on»ble R*tes. w. f. nHAKRrnr. j rr MACHINE MADE FACTORY, : : KALIHI. T*ro Plant?, Fresh Tops and R*w Tiro at all linoes. Ring Up Malual īelephone 577. Bell 345. . W. L. WILCOX, jy23 Manager. RING l*P MCTUAL 7KLK. St2, NIEPER S Baggage Exprest. Offioe, 229 Fort St„ Honolala. H. I. Baggage and Furniture Carefal!y Handled and Delivered at Short Xotice to All Parts of the City. Stand on Cor. of Fort i Queen Sta. JT» , &T POSTPONED. AuotionSale ot Rice Plantatation at AVaiUiki-kai. In persu»ncf of in4truotions from HO SUN of Ewa. I<Uad of Oabn. U. I., the mortgagce named in a Uhattle Mortgage. rseculēd by UHEONO KIM TAI. cUted October 34th. 1992, and recorded in Liber 139, p»gee 257-S, 1 ahall *ell to the biebcet bidden at »nction, at my Salcs Koom, Houolaia. on SATURDA\* the 4lh day of Aufj., 1894, at 13 o'eloek noon, the foUo«in« pro{)ertr, viz: The Rice Plantation, known a? tbe Uheong Kim Tai, formeriy the Yee Hop Co), Plaulation, at \Vaikikl-kal. Honoluln, includine all leases of Iands embraced thereln, on whieh »re dw«lline hou»c. outhousos, thre»hinjt floor and cqūipments of a weU condncted ric« plantat1on; al«o ali the implemenU of cultV vatiou. horses, wagon, etc. A schedule of thc leases and other propcrty concerned may be seen at the offlce uf C. M . Ashford, Attornev for the Mortga?ec. Terms of Sale, Ūash, Deeds at eipenee of purchaser. L. J. Levey, Auctioneer. The above §ale ia postponed to Angust 4ih, 1 bv order of C. W. ASHFORD, Attorney for Mortg*gee. T. B. Murray 1« Yet to be Found On the Old Stand, Xo. 44 H.ing St.—>Hl» Bnslneaa um CARRIAGE AND WAG0N MANUFACTDRĒR Goes On. ► When the “PEOPLES’ PARTY” gets smashed he will be ready to ’ EEPAIR, PAIHĪ AHD TR1IIT At a Beasonable Figure.— No £xtra Charge for Fnrnishing them with Oommon Sense. ‘ LET THEM RING UP MUTUAL TELEPHONE 572. jy216m City - Carriage company Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BEjT, Black»mith Work A.\D Carriage Repalring In all its Brancbes, at B«d Rock Prioee. Oive ua a 0*11 and jodge for yoar»elf. CRITERION S«L00N, Weiiand-Extra-Palf Lager Beer 2 āehoonen for 25 Ct*. jjU L. H. D££. Prop’r