Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 175, 28 July 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
United Carriage Company, M. REIS t J.C. OUINN IH |I|||H i I —290=— ■HHMH ra TSE rntLIC:—U yon mir thiakirjt mboat »hopptnf, enllin* or Ukin* In th« «Ucbts. riwr up 2W, ' hetr tou c*a obt*tn n lnt-dMt *’*rria*e with ei«ant hors«s »na % eiTil driTfr, or ii tou eboos«r to driTe yonr«<li, we c*n mccotnmod*:e yon with »lyU*h Bng)rie». Phnelon*, 8nrrie» »nd W«fonette*. We h*Te for lirerr hors«» the fine»t rond»ter» in the Kepuhlie. ' Onr liTery hor»e* cotnpris« *ome of tho well-known rōnd«ter», «neh •* Ihe Gr»T e»gle, White-«w»n, Prince Henry. Abndelln, Koanoke. Lady Templeton. 8terewhippee «nd other»; a ehiW ewu drire »ny ol the»e horse*, bnt it t*kes a K*ns*» cyclone to p*»« one of them on the ro*d. For fjrther v*rticul*r». rlog np 290. or eall at onr »tand āad oflice neit 'to E. O. U*ll a Soc. jy »- T. H. Dayies & Co., X-.i233.ited.-Fresh Feed and Flour From WASHINGT0N. Lion Flour, 0ats, Barley, Middlings, Bran, «D Per “Warrimoo,” Just to Hand. New Dry Goods Crockery, Hardware, Qroceries, To Hand. F0B Bailey Honolulu Made Wire Voven Matresses ana Hammocks jjr34 iDHirUTBATOB , 8 ioncE. TIE U KOEKSIQH£D bari&f bean dnly *pp4nted PAlIA KALOI k. of Mokao, kerrwtth grw to prw*ent Um to, wiUun sx or tbay wīQ be &11 to . K of of Pahia Maai, Jnly 7th, 18M. jy9-l«n FOR 8ALE. OMllinaM T«at> mv; 8ue 15x32 $ei; 0 fe»t WeU; 13 fe«t Boof;) o£ Doek; Polee, Pin», ele. Inqoire at tbe ! HOLOMUA OFFiCE.