Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 174, 27 July 1894 — HIS POLICY. [ARTICLE]

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1 £x-Ambassador Bush Talk*. . Our policv has been trumpted in one stentfy note since January 14. 1893. from pre«8, pnlpii anil stump, vix: To oppose all thieves and drunkards, and to eudeavor to gaide the Hawaiian people to | await President CIeveland’s final j action in regard tu tbe overtbtow iof tbe constitntional govemment of Hawaii and the deposition of i Qveen Lilinokalani, whieh the j , President of United States aeknowledges was done by thevi forces of that government, and let ns add, aud tbrongh tbe ; treachery and cowardice of the i Queens Cabinet and Marshal, and the general irabicility of the j drunks that were at the back of i ’ tbem. I Anvbody who ean understand ! the above langu«ge of poor Busb will realize, how far down the political ladder the poor devil has goue. He simply affirms oor late assertions and Le advises the Hawaiians to wait and wait—until Cleveland’s final action is known. The man kuowe as well as we do tbat the waitiug game is up. He is bribed and bougbt to bamboozle the Hawaiians, and thereby make them f hold aloof from the trne friends of this small country. He is 1 weleome to do so. lf sensible Hawaiiana in this commuuity will listen to him, aud forfei* their poliiieal chances for the next six years let them do so —and when the day comes wheu they eall Busli to task for his fraudulent statesments, they will find him building ctiurches on mouey supplied by Baldwin, Dilliogham and other missionaries. The man is a gigantic fraud. We do not propose to sacrifice our space or onr time to show what ho is, but we do believe that Hawaiians have sense epough to take their ehoiee, be--iween the men who without selfish motives stay with thera and the meu who, repre sented by Busb, run the shebang even if it is “per guardian.”