Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 174, 27 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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GHAS. GiRDLER, Importer and Commission Merchant SPECIALTILS; J. k P. OoaU' Maehiee Thread Jon&s Brooks il&ehine Thre&3 B«rboar’s Linen Threa>3 Peaxs’ So*p P. O. Box 353. Matnal Telephone 356 „ 33 K»*hnin«na Stxeet. OCEANIC SteamshipCo Time Table. LOCAL B. S. AUSTRALIA. Througfli 1‘ineFrom San Fran. for Syilney. Arrive Honoluln Monowni... . Aug 2 r..:.Ang 30 Mariposa Sep 27 Monowai Oct 2o From Sydney for San Frandsco. Leave Honolulu. Alameda July 26 Mariposa Aug 23 M<>nowai Sept 20 Alameda Oct 18 B. BERGERSEN, Oeneml Acent for ,SINGER SEWING MA.CHIZSTE COMP’Y. All Kinds of Needles for Sale and Ropairing Done. Damon’s Block, Bethcl Stroet, Honolnln. P. O. Boi 440. jy21 TjlE HlD-OCEAfi PŪOL aad BĪLLIABŪ PARLOKS H. JUEN Prophetor Hot«i SUW near Kaaua. A. G. CORREA. HTATTORXEY AT LAVf,jgl 307 Merchant Street, Hooolulu. jy20