Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 174, 27 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BRUCE CARTWRICHT Bosioes.s of ■ Fidūci»jy Jūtnre Tr»ns*cted. Prompt *ttention giren t<lthe m*n*gemect of EōUtes, Gnaidianships, Trasts, etc., etc., etc. Opiee*, : Ca. w tuTight Buildmg, Mewhaal Street. Honolnlu H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND Provision Merchants 93 Fort Sireet, - Honoluln Farailies, Plantations and Sbips snpplied with choicest European &American Groceriw California Produce by Every Steamer. Meroh.ant JLCxclianoje Corner King aua Nuuanu Streets. S. I, 8HAW Munager. The Finest selection of LIQCOR3 and EEKU, aold anywhere iu tbe towu. Firet-clasa attendance. Call and jadge foryoureelf. no 113—tf. LEWIS & C0. WhoIesaie and Retail Gro AND PROVISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNL\ 8ALM0N ONICE By Every Ban Francisco Steamer — i Salt Salmon in Babbels a Specialty. /// Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240 , P O. Box 297. CALIFORNIA 1 Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny Block. JOBBERS OF WINES, and SPIRITS tflCTŪi$ pavi!ioii Hotel and Bethel St» Wil lie CM h 2 Weeh On account of departure for W'aianae with Pbonograpb. jy w J. A: taCTOB. Prop’r. ]iationaī Iron WoPlp QC£EN Stbeet, Between Alakea & Richard Sts , rlE CNDEBSIQNED make nD kicds of «e prepared tc Iron Pnne. Bro3K, Zinc, Tin nad Lead C**Ungs. AL» Oenenl Bepair Sbop for Stenm EnginM, Kiee Milla, Oora MiH*. Water Wkeela, Wind Milk. ete lfnrhii»M for tbe Clenniag oi Ccfb\ Caat jr Oik, Eenna, Kamk, 8ūal Fiaeap{4e Leares k oUwx Fibrons Plants, | And Papet Siock Ako Maehinee for Eslrecting Starch froa tbe Arrow Boot, ete. • AB Orden praBpdy attended to. WHXT£, RITMAN €i CO.