Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 174, 27 July 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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QONSAIVB Vllvar« on H*n»l * 9apj*lT oftk Vm Best Piooew 8oap In C*s« of 40.. 42, 30, W »nd 70 B*is eaoh; THK> 80AP IS THE Fiaest lnperted Here. SPF.CiAL PRICES FOR ō CASES LN LOTS j.k mmi (nrs Celebratcd Brand« of SCOTCH WHISREY Smmehi: BEN ALDOCHLAN, Ainsley's OLD Blended lGlcnlivet OLENLION , Extra, Speoial 6LENU0N SPECIAL LIQUEUR SCOTCH WHISKEY. jr» POUND MASTER’S NOTICE. \otice is hereby giren to ail peraons that there are at tbe ŌoTeratuent Ponnd at Makiki, four strayed horses. I poor red borse, while spots on the foreheao, back and on tbe left side; brand AF queer brand on left Yiip: two hiod fetioeks white; 2 froni hoofsshod; one hlaek man*. white six>t on forehead and back; brand, a heart; brand ou left hip not disiinct; sore back; one lwy man, white forehead; brand brands on left and right hipa iudistinet; one bay horse. fore fetlock white; brand on right hip M->; braod on lcft not plain. All persons owniug same arc redne*ted to take tne same on or before 12 o’elook noou SATURDAY, AUG. 4 1894. JAMES KŪKONA, Pouud Maater. Makiki, July 21. 18W. jy21-dt P. O. Box 209. 409 Nuuanu St. S. YASUM0RI, MERCHANT TAILOR. Dealer in Japane.se Goods, Boots and Shoes of Japanese roake; Cheap for Cash, New Goods by Every Steamer. jy 23 LIE SUNG KEE, 49 KI\G STREET. TINSMITH, am> DEALER IN GLASSware, Crockery, Ooal-Oil Stoves. Waler PoU—Plnmbing in All IU Brancbes Faith* fnlly £xecnted. Y. LUM SIKG, Dealer in Frnits and Grooeries. Fresh Frtnt8 by Every California Steamer, Eresh Isfand Bntter -from Hawaii. 13o Fort Street. Coffee Ro3sted. P O. Box 169 Fresh Island Prodnce, Goods ! Delivered to Any Part of the City. jy21 8WO KEE, TINSMITH asd DEALER IN TIN T W r ARE. Piping Laid and Repaired. AIl Orders PromptIy Attended to. Charge« Very Moderate. Call and See U§. No. 222 Maonakea St., Ilonolulu. jy20 Im “ ITOHAN,” |MPOBTEK avd DEALEB 1 9 OEJTEEAL I HcrchaadiM, ExclnaiTe]y oI /apaneae Man«/act«re—WHOLB8ALE Jt RETAIL. 204 and 306 Port 8trwt. P. O. Box 11« Muloal T#le. 562. jyl8 SAM TE£ HOP, No. 522 Kiog Street. Dealer ia C«lifornia and Hawaiian FraiU and VegeUbles. Guava Jelly, Gold Fiah and Ponitry. Iy20* KIN6 LUM, PH0T0GMPHER. Nawaa aed Paaah) 8treet* Cabinets #3.50 Per Dozen. 2.00 Per 1-2 Dozwn, 8x10 $5,50 Per Doieo, « “ 3,50 P«r 1-2 Do«en. ALSO. CHINESE SILK8 I