Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 174, 27 July 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Hotel street <Arliuttoa Block.) A *bove S*ore has receire«l »ootLet Splemliil Invoioe of APANE5E jSlLK, j* ANCY (jOODS, Per S.S. “China.” —OOMIRLSl>fl — BEAUTIFUL SILK JAND CRAPE, Dress Ooodi> in all shade, plain and fipnred. Cnabions, Tnl»le CoverR, Be»l Govers, Oowns Chemise«. Sh»wls. Sitk Crape Hainhow Silks, All Colors F»ncy Draj>eries, EMBROIDERED HNDKERCHIEFS Doillie«, 8carfs, Sashes, Jackets, C«jie, Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: l’he Prices Goods will astonish vou ■ including • ELEOaNĪ 8ILK KIM0N08I Haudsome Cigarette Cases, Pin Cushions, Silk Tea Cossies, URUE AND SXALL J.U'JNESL RU«S I Silk Unibrellas, light but strong; Ch»ir Saddles, Silk; Baml>oo BIiuda, titted with pullejs; Silk Lamp Shades, new stjle. JAPANK8E SCKKK.\S, Froiu $3 lp. LAR«E JAPANESE l IBRELl^r C«n be Set with Pole in the ground, uioe’tor Picnics or Lunches ont of doore, thej ean be openod out or nsed as a tent. COTTON CRAPES |IN GREAT VARIETY EiPIuKpeelion Respectfullj(Invite<l. MRS. J. P. P. COLLCO, Proprietress. AprI2-3ms JUST ARRIVED. 5 q q BABY .• CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLES, PPT< e l v b A rr ,,r A B IN THE LATEST PATT£RNS. “HOUSEHOLD SEWING WACHINES Hand Sewinq MaCU|N3S, t3TAll With the Late«t Improremente^| PARLOR Ora:ans, Quitars AndfOther Muoioal Iustramenfe». •• • • Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWAT8 ON HAND, AKD FOR 8ALE BY ED. H0FF8CHLIEGEB 1 G0 Kiag St„ oppo. Cwtt« <k Oooke'» Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. 96 NUl'ANU 8TREET r«ilers in Ladies' & Geate’ Boot> *nd Shoe» ui»de (o order. f O Bo* J67 Jj* '