Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 174, 27 Iulai 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The FRANK L. HOOGS’ Personallv (Vii(luc!eil Excursion to tlie Yolcano. LEAVING ON THE KINAU FRIDAY, AUG. 3, 1894, AND RETURNING TO TOWN ON SATURDAY, EIGHT * 0AY8 LATEB. Some people who elaim to know a'I it ar«* ot »he opioion that the Crater's present great ?tate of activ:ty m»y n >t la?t overtwo month 9, and then it niay drop out of sight alt*'gethr-r, It thss ?tory shou;d iurn out to be correct, there would bc bundrcds of pe\.»p.e in this city who wou!d regret tbat they allowed aa oupjrtunity to visit it go by, hy r,ot go now? The Stearaer Kinau wiil leave on Friday, Augu?t >J, wit:i an Exc><rsion Partv on board —another ehanee of the same kind may not present itself for a long tiTie, and you are ?ure to erjoy the trip. A ticket will eJst vou 150. whieh inc!udes hote.s and tran?portatiou. kou will never f<>rget vour drst sight of the (,xreat Buruing Lake, and with—out see:ng it you will reaiain in the dark a? to its appearance, as no peu ean do it j»istice. The trip is a iu<>9t enj>iyab!e one: you spend a day or 8o in the Beautiful towa of Hilo; you traverse the \olo.ino H >ad with its wealth of tropioai foliage. and when you reach the Volcano Hoa*e you wiil sav that the trip, so far, is of the mennorabIe order. Bjt this Ī3 nothing couapared to the awful spleador of the Crater; there is nothing like it in this earth. Iie..d the Advertiser ol Monday, July 23rd, and get an idea of what awaits you high up in the mountaids of Hawaii. ’ j.v26

* P. 0. Box 480. Miīual TKLErUJNE 245. Th.e Cheapest Plaee oij the Islands to Buy? NewandSecondHaiid Fnrnitnre IS AT%HE CORNER ()F King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L Honoiuiu ii. i. ir» <

OeeaniealopmwE ON Saturday Eve, July 28. (keaniea, a Historical Draaia OF THRILLINO INTEREST. Portraying the ETents connected with the Di«uoverT of these I»l«nd3 by C«pt. James Cook, B.N., and the Death o( lbe Intrepid Navigtitor 4 oompUed from Retiabl« and Original Anthonties by D. M. Crowley, Anu>or o( the Wooing of Kaala. Spec-al Scenerv, Coetumes and Effects OCEANICA will be Performed by a Company of Well Trained (Hawaiian and Foreign) Ladies and Q«ntlemen Amateurs, - Bot plan now open at L. J. Lerey's. R£MEMB£R, SATURDAT, JCLY 2Sth. jy!8 Hong Branch Establishment. Thia Firsl*Cla3s Batbing R*8v>rt has bt*en enlarged aod is now open to the puhlie, It is the best plaee on tbe >slands to eojoj a Batb. aod tbere is no beiter olaee to lay off. Spec al accommodations for Ladie«. Tramcara pssa the d «r every half honr, and on Saturdays and Suodays every fifleen m>uutes. C. J. SHKRWO0D, jy24 Propr>eior. PACIFtC SALOON, Corner bag anJ Nnnana St»«ta. KDW. WOLTEE... Managar. TU Hsmt aeleeooa 0 i UQUOBS aad BEKB, aoAd anywh«t« m tba town. īa* tHm OaB aad Jadf» aa«ML

\ flElV the ilaw’ii Messoo?er Service o L. M. Johxsos, Manager Mulual Tel 599 Bell Tel 559 OFFICE iu MASOXIC BL'ILDISG We xrc peepaml to farui»b aaitormed nae» scnifer? at »11 honr«. Proatptneas and Mtilf»ctlon EPi»r»nteed. * V‘>u rin£ u» np »nd we will du the re»t. Hoarljr rates ♦) cent», For dlsUnce ntes se« M»p. Jy5 3m T« L£T or LEANE. Ahonae on King Stnet next toT. K. W»Iker’s pretniae conUimng pnrlor, dining room and thrce bedrooms, beside« kitcben bathruom st >Wes ond *11 modern ooneenienotss—lately occnpied by Mr Bn»bee, Bent moder»te to responeibie perty. Addme jyl6 A8HAHAM FEEXAN*DEZ. DAVID DAYTOV, Agent to Take Acknowledgraents. W r ill Attend t<» Manageroont aod Sale of Property—Collectioo in All Its Brancbes. Office No. 42 Merchant Street; Mntaal Telephone 380. jy23 Feraandes & Gomes WHOLE3ALE California Wlnea and 8pirits, Xo. 502 Fort St.. Honoluln. H. I. P. O. Box 436. Muiual Tele. 140. Wiag so. n> xcuasl STR£ET, hoxolit.c Xa»ilox A 6tt» aaeortraflnt of Ancericao, EnglUh «od Sc*tch Cl *tbj «»o h«ad g»• d w«»rk «nd a FiRST CLASS fit gu»rantflMl Clotbtffl«aecldu & rtfpe»red Jj71m