Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 174, 27 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
IiDD3 GOLOSH You t»ok iwr a<3T : se last week an«i h-ive pr.>tited by onr Hoeiery offer. and we think »re satisfied you have the beat of ihe Bargain. there are not many left, but what there is go at our Cut Price. All thnmgh tbi« week your sn iling faces will mean the BIues to us, a« we see Bondle after BondIe of Victoria Lawns going out of the store at 7-5 cents for 10 yards—and Merrimac Prints at 50 cents tor 10 v.'.rd?—and Gingbams. that are G;nghams, 12 yards for II —or Bruwn Cottons 16 yards for II, ean you blame us fbr having the BIues when you off goods at thrse prices? This thing goes on all the week. WEDNESDAY, JULY 25. marks another day of Sacrifice so far as we are concerned. Colored Wool Dress Goods (all wool) you have p?id us 75 cents for same Class of Gonds. Now they are yours at 50 ceuts a yard. These g<x>ds are worth buying 5f you don ? t make them up for a year. Thcy are all New Goods and Patterns. SATCBDAY. JULY 2S, t .kcs in evervthing. but the Remnant Buyers will have it all their own way. Every pieee we have goes withont reserve at y»ur owu prices—.ts a pienie for you, but we want the room for New Goods. Underwear is receiving our special attention. the mark down has heen general all through our Stocx, in fact the fundamental law of our house is to sell at a very small profit in every Dejffrtment the days of faocy prices are over. Next week you will hear something to your interest. Vours etc., B, F. Ehlers A Co. jv23-tf TO LET. ‘A Large Parlor and Bedroom, Kmg Street, next door to John F. Bowier’a residence. Inquire of jy27 10t Mrs. BAILEY. PANĪHEON SAL00N, FORT AND 1I0TF.L STS. HeainnaM Eflterprise Brewin£ Co. TITE Largest Consignment of Beer that ever arr ved here, no7T on Draught jyI4 J. DODD, Prop’r Club , Stables Company, $. F. Managei> Livery and Feed Stafeles.^ FORT STREET, between Hotel aud Beretania Streets, Honolulu. Both Telephones .... jy23 Im 477 Pioneer 8hirt Factory ESTABLISHED ISST. JL M. MELLIS, Proprietor, Fort S»., ;Cp*U»r*' nonohi». Goo4 FU. 0HIP3E emmw COMPAS l', Bqth T LEPHO.WE*: H*ck Sund. Corner King and Mauaakea Sueeta. Haeka at All Aoen, jy27