Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 174, 27 Iulai 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
- A Sugge«tion, W e ljutobly »uggest to tbe great and good joaroaIist J. E. 6asb th«t Le in tbe fatnre drops tbe ose qf the Holcvta aod stops translating oar Eug!isb articles into bis little sheet. He has alwajs been weleome in the past to use our material bat since he is so very ngly towari as we ihink it right for him to attend to his own matter and become original. The Ei - Ambassador waa always original— more so on Saturdavs. Programme ol' BICYCLE MEET To be Ileld On Saturdav, Aua[. 11th 1— One Mīle Dash, open; GoW Me ial. 2— HaJl Mile Dash f norice; SilTer Me;hil. ■ 3— One QnmtBr Mile Dash. open; SilTer j Medal. 4— One Half Mile Dash. b©3rs under 15 jears; Silver Medals; first and seccnd. 5— Oee Half Mile Dash, open; Gold Medil. 6— One II ilf Miie Dash, three minnte clas»; Silver Medal. 7— Three Quarter Mile Dash, open; Gold Medal. S—One Mile Dash, novice; Silver Medals. R4CES, $ I .••©; Entrance PeeforEa-es5 and 7, $1.50; ail other Kaces, entrance, $1. All Entries to Close ON MONDAY, Aug. 6th, 12 noon, at the office of H. E. Walker, Merch»nt Street, Honolnlu. Genei"al Admission, 50 cts; Grand Stand, estra, 25 cts; Qnarter Stretch Badges, $2.00 eaeh; Carriages, inside of raceconrse, $2.50. jy27 Golden Rule Bazaar, Depot for NEWSPAPERS and PERI0DICALS by ever}' incoming steamer. Subscriptions Payable in Advance. DOMESTIC 8EWINO MACHINES. Tbis Maehine is the Kmg of all. On īt you ean make a Loekstitch, Chain stitch. Embroidery, 6utton-holes, Ruftles, Tucks. Guitars, Lawn Tennis, Baseball, Croquet. • Statiouery and 61ank Books at J3r‘CA8H Prices. Hand Sewing Maehinea from eight dollars and a half op. [j}’27 &EAirr) Ratiflcation Meeting ._of the Eepuhliean Pafty’« Platform will be held at the OLD AR3/ORY, Beretania Street, THIS FBIDA7 SVE, Comraencing at 7:30—Good Speaking by Popular 0rators — Come One, Come All 1 Don’t Fail l 1 GEKTZ, « BOOT axd SHOEMAKER 1 Rcp*iring Dono. jy27 WA NTĒD! FURNlTURK, di$hks, glasswark, eioek». W«tcbc», Jewclry, Old Gold and 8Uver. »nd evenrthinz boorfit nnd sold »t IH King Slreet, con»er « AUke*. jvS7 XOTlCE. PtOM TH1S DATE, B. F. HOFFACKSB is miooe «athori»d to dr.w dr»ft or to gtve orden for aereh*ad»e or wipphee on of ihe Hawnuon Uommeieul &nd Soga.r Con>pnnv. THE HAWAIIAN COMMERClAL ASD SUGAK OOMPANI C. A. Srumu, GeeenJ M«oager. Jyl7-2« FOR SAJLE. Ooe Marquee Tent. new; 8ize 16x32 feet; 6 feet WaU; 13 fee« Boofc~8 na. Duck; Polee, P»ne. Bisg. Bafter, etc. Inqoire at the HOLOMUA OFF10S.