Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 174, 27 July 1894 — With Pleasure. [ARTICLE]

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With Pleasure.

Dr. J. S. McGrew bas called J o Q r «tteotion to tbe fact. that »n i injastice had been done bis lamily throngb tbe pab!io.ttion of'an article in oar paper in vbich cert- j ain reflections were maile on bim. I The article in qaestion refeired ) to his daogbter - io - law and it| was stated tbat she left tbe eoan- : try tbrough the inAaenee of the . McGrew famity. We leg to staS I j that we had no intention to eon-1 vev to oor readers sacbanim-| pression anJ that the communitr j is awfullv pleased to learn tbat , the young lady is alwavsa weleome gaest of oar esteeroeu fellow-! ciiizen. Dr. McGrew who is an i , old newspaper noan will understand that the condactors of tbis ■ paper are always ready to assist him in any sbape. manner or forra. and prepared to make him appear in the most immaculate position. Far be it from us to doabt the | integrity or honor of his trans- ’ actions. So far as oar reflections are concerned against the otber ! pftrticipants of the row, we are ready to tuke our cbances. With pleasuve.