Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 174, 27 July 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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C1TY DRAYAGE CO. Stand: Qv.e«a and Fort StreeL«. Wbite snd Black Sand. Dr»ying Done at Reaeonable Rates. W. F S‘HARRETT. h» MACHINE MADE POI! FACTOBY, : : KALIHI. Tam Pl«nte, Fr«h Tope »nd Raw T*ro at all tiraes. Ring Up Mulual Telephone 577. 6ell 345. W. L. WILCOX, Jj25 Man»ger. RlNti l*p MUTVAL IELE. SIi : NIEPER S Baggage Expres«. Office, 3» Fort St„ Honolnlu. H. I. Baggage and Furniture Carefully Handled and Delivered at Short Notice to All Parta of the C:ty. Stand on Cor. of Fort Queen Sta. gtT POSTPONED. A.«ction Sale ot Rice Plantatation at AVaiRiki-kai. In per?u*noc of instructions from HO 3U\ of Ewa, IsUmi of Onhu. M. L. thc mortgegw namod in a C'hatlle Mortgage, esecutcd by CHEONG KIM TAI. dated October -Mth. 1SSC. *nd recorded in Liber 139. 237-S. 1 sh*ll *ell to thc hiebcsl biddcn at anction. at my S«Ics Koom. Honoluln, on SATURDAT the 4th dav of Ang., 1V.H. »t 13 o’eioek noon, the followine pmperty. vl«: The Riee Plantation. hnown « IheUheoni; Kim T»i. .formerly the Yee Hop Co), ?Uot«> tion. at Waikiki-koi. Honoluln. inolnUine all lc*ses of lands embrucod lherein. on whieh &ro dwelling housc, outhoascs. thn»hinjt tloor anJ equipmenU> of a well eonJueted rice pUnt»tion; also all the imptements of cuitV vation, horsos, w*jjon, etc. A schednle of the leaeee aud other property concerned may be Kfln at the otflce of C. W. Ashvorp, Attomev for the Mortgaseo. Tenn» of Sale, (,’ash, Deeds at eapenae ol purchasor. L. J. Levey, Auctioneer. The abovo sale ia postp<ine»l 10 Angn*t 4th. bv order o( C. W. A3HFORD, Attomey for Mortgagie. T. B. Murray Ih Yet to be l'onnil On the 01*1 8t«nd, \o. 44 King Nt.—Uia KuNiiieaN um CARRIAGE and MMANimiliĒK Goes On. When the “PEOPLES’ PARTY” gets smashed he will be ready to HEPAIK, PAINĪ ANŪ !81M 1! At a Keasonable Figure.— No £xtra Charge for Farnishing them with Oommon Sen.se, LET THEM RING UP MUTUAL TELEPHONE 572. jy316m City - Carriage CO|«PANY Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. 1(. BEJllT, Hi\ia^ Blacksmith Work ASD Carriage Repalrlng In all its Branches, at Bcd Rock Pricea. Gir® u« a Call andjodge p or jouweIf. jy2S CRITERiON SALOON, WetUnd • Extra • Pjlt Lager Heer 2 8ekooun <br 25 Cto. . WM !*• H. OXB. Pnpr