Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 174, 27 July 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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United Carriage Company, M. REIS l J.C. QU1NN -=290=g—WM—— TO THE Pi~BLJC:—\f yon «w Uunkin* «boat »bopping. c*Uinc or ukiue ln **« »īxht«. rin* np 29U. whene j\>h c*a obuin % nr»t-cl*» r*rn»xr wiih ehf5*nt borse» *ua » civil drivrr, or if tob choose to driTr yoar«elf, we c*n »ecommod»le rou with »trli»h Buxxie*. Ph*eion», 8nrries *nd W*xonetles. We h*Te for liTerr horw« the hne#t ro»d»ter* 1 in the Repablk\ Our Urenr horse» compris« #ome of thc well-known rō»d*ters. »ueh ** . the Gr»T-e»ele, White-sw*n. Prince Henrr, J Ab*dell*. Ko*noke, L»dv Templeton. BteTe- 1 whipper »nd other«; a child c»n drive *ut of 1 these hor»«, but it Ukes * K*n$*s ctc1ou« to p*s* one of tbem on the m*d. For farther p»rticnl*rt. ring np »S0, or c*U at our »t*ud • *nd office next to E. O. U*II * Son. jy 26. i T. H. Davies & Co., | T .imil-M, Fresh Feed and Flour From WASHINGT0N. Lion Fiour, 0ats, Bariey, JVIiddlings, Bran, o 7 Per “Warrimoo,” to Hand. New Dry Goods Crockery, Hardware, Groceries, To Hand. F0B Bailey Honoluiu Made W»re Voven Matresses and Hammocks . jy24 ADHm8TRiTOR^ SOTICE. THE UKDEBSIQ3ED h*rins heen dnlr - ~ Adaāmtater of Ek.u of KALOI k. of Mokm>. «*«> Mni. miewilh gīre aotio» to »11 om>Bate *gmD*t Uu to prmnt tkem to him, properir to, «ritkia u m«mth* from d*te bo»wo<, or tkoy wffi bo (otmr tmmd. Aod M- H. RECTEK. ot tko btoto oi Pahio Haao, lUai, Jaly 7tk. II NOTlC£« oftko <d 1 I ] ■M