Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 174, 27 Iulai 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
fiejd]aEflCIHIx JJH£2 S; TO N p . COKNER OF Nuuanu and Beretania Strcets. 561 Telepho.\es:— > 561 GOOD, KELIAELE axd jy27 tf CIVIL DRIVERS. PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory. BibEK\ au«l Ice Cream Parlors! Oh m \M 1863 1894 IW PHACTICAL CONFECTIONER and ORNAMENTER Ih all br*H(hft e / tkt bHsīHttt <m tht*f Att«ric*n. En?lt«b. and French PASTE1ES Mfck to Onkr BIRTH-DAY AKD WEDDlN6 CAKES M*d« ot Uw V«rr Bc»t Mtlerkl ud tt Kmouhle Kittt Ftnily 6raham 4 Fancy Bread J2ny> o» Ha>n1. ALL C0SFEiT10HEBY Are Sotd it hkn ao I wUh. Sbr EatkbltthBeat to be Po*ī ilireiv Pare aai - FACTORY AND STOR£, 1*0. n HOWL6UW. Hooola’a. So. TA jj«J i i