Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 173, 26 July 1894 — Truth at Last. [ARTICLE]

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Truth at Last.

The Reviews of Reviews, one of j tho most prominent American periodicals has always assumed a 1 decided stand against the Hawaiians and their elaim for self-, % government. It is a pleasure I now to see that a change of tone has taken plaee. A lecture of . James Schouler is referred to in j the following longuage; | Lecturer James Schouler gives | | “a review r of the Hawaiian eon troversv” whieh tells heavily j against tbe annexationists. The nutivc and half-castes be describes as “an interesting and : intelligeut race,” of whom, in ! i round Qurabers, seven-tenths ean j | read and \vrite — a showing with whieh only j Englaud aud Germany })erbapsof | European countries eau compete; • : idol-worship, equally witb ean- ’ I nibali$m, they have long since I I cast aside, and tbey are now i clearlv Ohristian in their relig- j ious affinities, besides showing \ in their own modes of life those j distinctive Christian traits, not aiways predomiaant among tbeir more civilized teachers, of aimple faitb, meekness, self-sacrificing bospitality and (orgiveness of ■ tbeirenemies by whom they have I sufiered. They number9,700 votes«gainst ; a forergn vote of scarcely 3,900. The annexationists expect ihe franchi.se to be so “abridged" as ( to make tbe white vote dominaie. ■ Mr. Schouler warmly denounces the charges of immorality made against the depo&ed Queen, and $peaks ia the h:ghest terms of her legitimate sncc<wsor, the Princess Kaiolani, a young woman now just about ihe age ol i Hawaiian majoritv, of rare persoaal charms ana intelligence, *ho, seasoaab!y removed from pernicious court inAoenoea a few yeara ago, wae privatelv edeeated in Engl«ud nnaer good guardianship, and has lately been travelling in the U uited Statee, cbarming all who bave mei her by har ] aoeial refiaement and aeoomplishments. j