Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 173, 26 Iulai 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HAWA.il HOLOMUA, Ifl rrBLISHED Everv A.fternoon EXCEPT SCXDAT BT THI Eolomaa Pablishiag Co. At K ing St (Thomas block), Honolalo, H. I. SUBSC?JPTION, perKonth, 50Cts. The paper h delĪTered by C*rrier» in tbe lown ana gnbnrbs. Single Copiee for Sale at ine New» Dealer§ ana at the Office of pnblication. EOMUNO N0RRIE, - • Editor GEORGE E. SMITHIES - Manager NOTICE. ‘ All Bu«ne88 Gommuclcations should be *ddressed to Gwrge E Smithies HonoInln, H. I. Oorre«ponaence and CommnmcaUona tor pnblicaUon shonld be addreeHed to the Editor Hawaii Holomna. No noliee will be paid to any anonymon» communications. 13usiness Cards TOLNEY V. ASHFORD, Attornev aml Coanselor at Law, Oliiee, Hito of tbo OUl Bethel—\Vest Corner of King aml Bethel Street«. jy2i A. P. PETERSON, ATTOBNEY AT LAW. Offioe: 113 Kaahumann S‘reet, Houoluln Hawaiiau Islands. CHARLES CREIGHTON, ATTORNET AT LAW. Offlce: 113 Kaahnmann 8tre«t, Honoluln Hawaiian Islands. PAUL NEUMANN, attorney at law. 314 Merchant Street. Honolulu, Mutunl Telephone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, attorney and codnsellor at LAW. Offlce. 01d Capitol Building, (Honolnln Hale), adjoining Po«t Office, Honolnln. A. ROSA, ATTORNEY at law, No. 15 Kaahumanu St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. H. F. BERTELMANN. contractor and builder, 86 King St., Bell Telephone 107. F. H. REDWARD. OONTRACTOR asd EUIIOEK, No. 606 King Street, Honolnlu, Hawaiian Islands. 8. MEDEIROS & CO., Mercha nt Tailors. American, Engbsh and Sootch Tweeds on hand. First-clasa work gnaranteed. HoteI St., nnder Arlington Hotsl, Houolnln jy 17-Imon. F. GERTZ. )IAS RE-OPENKD HIS Boot & Shoe Store, Opposite the Clnb Stable on Fort Street. »nd will b« gl*d to see his old friends. may7-tf. CITY CARRIAGE C0. Corner KING and BETHEL St. CAERIAGES, AT all HOURS, Both Telephone« No. 113. J. 8. ANDRADE. Manager. •Jttoe 15-tf.