Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 173, 26 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I The FEANK L. HOOGS’ Pemmalk Conducted Exeursion to the VoIeano. LEAVING ON THE KINAU FRIDAY, AUG. 3, 1894, AND RETURNING TO TOWN ON SATURDAY, EIGHT • 0AY8 LATER. Some people who c!aim know a11 «Kv»t it -*re ol the opinion that the Crater’s pivaent preat state of a«*t v ty may not Iast over 2 tconth s. and ihen it may drop oot of s:ght «Ilogether. If this story should turn out to be c»jrrect, there would lx‘ huudreds of people in this city who woald regret tbat they al!owe«1 an opportunity to visit it go by. \\ by : not go now? TheStearaer Kinau will Ieave on Friday, August 3d, with an Exc"rsion Party on bo«rd —aaother chanceof the same kind may not present itse!f for a long tirae, and you are sure to erjoy the trip. A t:cket will ost you 150. whieh includes hotels and transportat;on. You will never forget your first sight of the ttreat Burntng Lake, and with—out see;ng it vou wil! remasn in ihe dark as to ita apt»earance, as no pen ean do tt jnstice. The trip is a m.wt enjoyable one; >*ou spend a day or ao in the Beautiful Towa of Hilo; you traverse the Volcano Road wilh its wealth of Trop;cai Foliage. and when you reach the Volcano Houa- | you wiil say that the trip, so far, is of the memomhle order. But thi? is uothing comparcd to the Awful Splendor of the C rater; there is noth* ing like it in this earth. Read the Advertiser of Monday, July 23rd, and get aa idea of what awaits you high up in the mounlaina of Hawaii. j>’26 - » P. O. Box 480. Mlti al TblepHo.nk 245. The Cheapest Plaee. on the Islands to Buy New and Second Hand Furnitnre IS A f JWHE CORNER 0F King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L jy» Honolulu H. I.

J\ • I AT THE Oceanica| 0 PERA hodse ON Saturday Hve, July 28. ton!oo 0 Uioinninolllnamn OF THR1LLING IXTEREST. Portraying the Eveuts connected with the Disooverv of these Islamis by Capl. James Oook, R.K.. and th« Death of the Intrepid Navigator, compiled from ReliaU« and Origin.il Anthonties by D. M. Crowley, Anthor of the Wooine of Kaala. 8pecial 8cenery, Co«nme« ana E£fects. OOeAKICA wi'll be Performed by a Comp«ny ot Well Trained (Hawaiian aml Foreign) Ladies nnd Gentlemen Amateora, Box plan now open at L. J, Levey'«. REMEMBER. SATURDAY, JULY 2*tm. jyl8 J4ctvai Tsx.. a6A f. O. Eox »58. WING WO TA1 & CO., No. s$ SrBF.tr. Hon*lulv, H. U. Commision Merchants, —Iwoana» ASD Dialhw nr—6encrai Merchandise. Flce Manila Cifan, Chineae and Japaocae Crockerrw»re. Mattlnf«. Vaaca o( all kiod«. Caaiphorwood Trnnka, Battan Cbāln. A Fine X»ortnient ot Dre*a 91Uu. ChoiMat Brands of Oūneae and Japnne«e Teaa of Late*t Ixaportatiow fwtpteikm o/ Xnt Goodt rr*ptttfnliy *>&Ud jnly«. YJEE CLIA>s', DEALEH IX Jj8n’$ Fii}8 Farni^hlng Fme T*iIoring Fine Chinese aud i'kpaoeee Uaodkerchiefj Noa. 31 lo 33 Nuuana St H n> lulu, P.O. Box 253. jy5

, \ flErf DEPApRE the i Haw a Messenger Serviee L. M. JonNSON, Manager Mntu»I T< 1 599 Bel> T«t 559 [ OFFICE in MASOXIC BL ILDING We &ro prep«red to farnish nnllonnwl m <■* !*cneer» »t »11 lionr<. Promptoe»s »nd MtUf»( Tion gn»ranteeU. Tou nog u» np »ml wc wlll d<> tbe re»t. IioarlT rate» 40 cents. For dUtance rate» sce Map. Jj5 3n> > ! Chas. T. (hliek NOTARV PUBLIC For the lalaml of Oahu. Ageni to Take AcknowiedgmenU to Labor Contracte. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieem 8es, Honolulu, Oahu. Agent for the Haw'n Islnnds o( Pm & 8cott'8 Freight and ParceU Exprees. Agent for the BurIington Konie. M Estate Bmler aiiOwal Ar*t B©11 TW. 348; MnL Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: So. 38 MERCHANT Street Honolula H KING LUH, PH0T06RAPHER, Nanann »nd Panahi StrceU. Cabinet8 43.50 Per Doxen, •• 2.00 Per 1-2 Doa»n, 8x10 45.30 Per Dozen. *• 8.50 Per 1-2 Dozeu. ALSO, CHISBSESILKS I m