Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 173, 26 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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PANĪHEON 8ALOON, FORT AXD HOTEL STS. Headanarters Enterprise Brewlng Co. THE S Largpst Consignment of Beer j that ever arnved here, now on Draught jyH J. DODD, Pnip'r CHALLENGE! Havixg heard that the owners of Johnny Hayward arc anxious to matcb ! the borse Nevada, I hcrehy chaUenge Johnny ' Hayw«rd to a Match Rac( over tbe Kapiolani 1 Racc Track ON SATURDAY, September Ist, i I8M. Mile heats; l>est 3 in 5; or two mile ! he»ts, best 3 iu 5, to hamcss. and mle» of N. i T. A.. for $500 or f!000; half to be placed as 1 forfeit, sn signing agreement. Thi» Ohallenee 1 will |remain OPEN UNTIL MONDAY, | Julr aO, I8W, al 12 m. Horsc and Moner to |bc fbund at » | jrr> 2t C’LUB STABLES. I ~ FOR SALE. One M«rqaee Tent. new; Size j 16x32 feet; 6 feet Wall; 13 feet i Roof; 8 nz. Dack; Poles, Pins, i Ring, Rnfter, etc. Inquire at the HOLOMUA 0FFICE. TO L£T or LEAHE. Ahonse on King Street next toT. R. Walker’s premis2 containing parlor, dining I room and three bedrooms, besidM kilehen ; bathroom st iblea and all moiiem conveniences—lately occnpied by Mr. Bnshee. Rent moderate to re8ponsiblē party. Addresa jyl6 ABRAHAM FERNAXDEZ. DAVH> DAYT«X, Agent to Take AcknowIedgments. Will Attend to Management /hd| Sale of Property —Collection in All Its Branches. Office So. 42 j Mercbant Street; Mataal Telephone 380. jy23 Femandes & Gomes WHOLE8ALE California Wlnea and 8plrtts, • No. 502 Fort St.. Honolulu, H. I. ! P. O. Box 438, Mulaal Tele. 140. jr»2m I WIS£ 8la S • I NO SS9 NUUANU STRKET. HONOLULU . T , a.ilor A fine aMortaent of Air.erican. Eogiish and Sc >tch CI< th? no haud gncd w» rk »nd a FIKST CLASS fit ffu>r <nteed k Clothetea«clda & repaired jy71m