Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 173, 26 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
f hc Iiolomua £aUndar, JULY 26. 1894. KORII<;> JIAIL AERVIfE. Steamship8 will leave for *nd arr ve from San Fr«nciKO aud other foretgn porta, on or kboat the foilo«ring dates, till tbe eloee •( 1894. f.KAVR Honoutlc Dcf. at HovoLrLC for Sav FaaNCi»co. Fm. Sa.x Fa.\5CB»co or Vasocver. oe Vaxcocver. Au«tralu ....Jnne23 Aoatralk... Jnne 16 Monowai Jnne 28 Arawa JBne 23 Wammo.... July l|Manpr« July5 Anstrah* ;...July 21 An»t»lia.... Ju y 14 Alame k Jnly »"»mii)oo.. . July 23 Awwh Aug. 1 Monowai... Aog. 2 An«tralia Ang. 1» .Australia....Ang. 11 Manpoaa Ang. 23 Aj»wa Ang. 23 \Vammoo.... Sept. 1 Alameda.... Aug. 30 An*tra.’ia.... Sept. 15 An»tralia.... • Aept. 8 Monowai... .Sept. 22 Wanimoo., .Lept. 23 Arawa Oct. 3 Manposa Lept. 27 Anstralia Oct. 10 Aastralia .... Oct. 6 Alam®da Oet. 18 Arawa.. . Oct. 23 Wanimoo.... Xot. 1 Monowai ....Oct. 23 Amamli» ...Nov. 10 AnHtralia Not. 3 Mahpona Nov. 15 Alameda Nov. 29 Aniwa Dec. 1 Wanimoo.. .Nov.23 Anstmlia.... .Dec. 8 Auahulia Dec. 2 Monowai Dec. 13 Mariposa Dec. 20 \Varrimoo... ,l>ec. 30 Arawa Dec. 22 Anstralia....Dec. 31 VES*EI> IX PORT. xaval vtsans. I' SS PUilailelphia, Barker. H 1* M 8 Ohampion, Rooke, Vanoonver. MKECHAKTMEX. Am l>k 8 C Allen, Thomson, San Francisco Bktne W H I)imond. 8,m Francisco. Oer ship Murir Haekliel,!, Krnse, L Pool. Bk Amln w Weleh, Dre» . Sau Francisoo. Bk Albert, Griffiths, San Francisco. Bktue Plauter, Dow. Laysan Is)and. Am bktne 8 N Castle, Hnhhanl, San Fran. Hchr U W Bartlett, Laysan Island. Sohr Aloha, Dabel, San Francisco. — ' F«REIGN VBW«,S EXPr.<TED. Am bk W S Phelps .. .Oray’s Har. . .Dne K,’hr Alleu A S F ;M«h) duo Schr llol>ert Lewers... Oruy’H b’r Dne Bark B P Ritchet Sau Fran. ..Jnly 23 Bark Auuie Johnsou .8 ..July 28 Bark Senta Liverpool.. July 30 (’ A S S Arawa N S W Ang. 1 O s s Maiipoaa S F.... Ang. 2 Am bk Amy Turuer.. New York.. Ang. 2 O S S Australia San F Ang. 11 Brbk Alexandra NewcasUe Ang. 14 K M S S Manpoaa... .Svduey.... Aug. 23 Bk O N Wileoi Middlesboxungh. Aug 25 P M 8 8 China Siiu Fran. ...Sept. 3 Bark Kontenbeck Liverpool.. .Nov. 23 Born. In this oity on tbe 25th inst., to tbe wifo of 0. Mett, a aon. In this oity on the 24tb inst., to the wife of Thomas Hollinger, a »on.