Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 173, 26 July 1894 — LADIES COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

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■ | j You lo»k our advise bst week ! and have pr»fit«l by our H<«tery • ! offer. and we ihink ars satis8 f, d ' ynu hare Ihe best of ihe Bargain. i there are not many left, bat whatthere is gi» at our Cut Price. All through this week your | 1 ing faces will meaa the Blues to us. as we see Bundle nfter Bandle of. . Victoria Lawn» going oul of the store at 75 cents for 10 yards—aod Merrimac Priut3 at 50 cents tor lft yanls—and> GinghAms, that are Ginghams, 12 yards for II —or Bruw.i Cottons 16 yards for II, ean you blame us for havine the Blues when you ofl‘ goods at • thrse prices? This thing goes on all the week. \VEDSESDAY, JCLY 25, mvrks another day of Sacrifice so far as we are concerned. C»Iored Wool j Dress Goods (al! wool) you have p?id us 75 cents for s»me Class ot | Goeds. Now they are yours at 50 i cenls a yard. These g<Kxls are ! i worth buying if yoa don’t make ; thera up for a year. They are all j ! New Goo<ls and Patleros. SATPRDAY. JULY 28, t : .kts in I evervthing. but the Remnant Buyers will have īt all their own wav. ! Every pieee we have go»es wiehoul reserve at y.*ur own prices—.ts a i pienie for you. but we want the roora for New Goods. * Underwear | is receiving our apeeial attention. j ( the mark down has been general all through our Stock, in fact the 1 fundamental law of our house is to sell at a very srnall profit iu every ' De£artment the days of fincy prices are over. Next week you will hear something to your interest. Vours ele., B. F. Ehlen A Co. jy23—tf