Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 173, 26 Iulai 1894 — Well Advertised. [ARTICLE]
Well Advertised.
The Canadian-P«cific line has • ! issned a series of pamphleU whioh ■ bave been arranged in a moat I tasteful roanner. The journey p I throogh ihe dominion is mosi j interestiug, and the fine aeeomoditions and reasouable rates sbonld encourage all travellers from East to West to patronise the gteal C«uadian-Pactfic road. Landscape and seenery are totally r ditfereut !rom that seen in the , United States, and barring even . i ihe Snancial adnat»tges, every ' traveller. will find himself well [ repaid by goiog acrosa the great and rising iand whieh prospers • beyond all expecUtions nnder the Union Jack.