Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 173, 26 Iulai 1894 — A PLEASING SIGN. [ARTICLE]
The Advertiser, brimmiug over with temperauce and virtoe, haa taken np the eanae of prohibition aml from time to timo publishes correspondeuce advocating the ctosiug of saloons. We “folly” agroe with the oAieial organ. and at the same iime we are pleased to make a note of the fact, that 1 | the Honolulu Soda Works under ■ tbe ethcient management of D. T. 1 Bailey turn out 100 dozens bottles of the refreshing and nonintoxicating drink everyday. As ' j ihe population has not incieased, ? j the facts referred to teuds to 1 show that temperance is running ' high in Honoluln, and the • saloons are virtnally defeated