Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 173, 26 Iulai 1894 — The Alameda brings no news. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Alameda brings no news.

The Alameda Ieft tbis port at 3 p. m. A namber of sports le.tve for Hanaama tomorrow morning on ‘ a fLshing excarsion. As Frank |Vi,la is among tbe party it is 1 safe to sjv that tbe ‘ fi.sb” will be “uluas.” 1,1 ■ I>nring tbis warm we tther it : is right to iostract the tbirsty pablic tbat two framing beakers of eool, golden E:iterprise beer may be had at tbe Paniheon for a single quarter. — There was a large atteodaace of members at the Manaerchoer meeting last erening. Varioas solos and part songs were sang j with good efFect and sbowing an improved practice. I It is rnraored that C. H. Dickey j will be appointed jadge of tbe second Circait Coort. Tbe dis- j charge of a Hawaiinn and tbe filiing of the fat position witb a raember of the faioily eompael is traly cbaracteristic. Mr. Dole isas short-sighted «s he is vain. In spite of the great strike in i Americ» aml Dole’s Kepnhlie in Hawaii, Chiiton has kopt bis | razors in order. And he shaves I . you without reference to political j opiniou, and makes you look like j a new man wheu he gets through._| The returns presented withia | the last twenty-foar honrs, show ; that two new arnvals have presented themselves to pnhlie notice and, in that shovt time, have beeomo entitled to all the prospeotivo rights of Hawaiian citizenship, without registering or tak- I ing any oath. Mothers and boys j are all doing well lt has been a great pleasure to owners of stock to see Mr. Rowat, V. S., in town agaiu. The doctor ,did not eome alone. He bronght with him the famoas stallion “Stock Chief.” The services of this niagnificent horse ean be secured on application and Dr. Eowat has placed the horse at $26 for service w’ith return privileges. The coramnnity is to bo congratulated on the fact of having a competent veterinary witbiu eall. — They all talk about basek»ll, and cricket, and tennis and every i oo»of the games is unsuitable to this climato and to our tenipera- , turo. Let ns play billiards! To ; do so iu privato houses a table is necessary. As a rule it is too expensive for the average citizen to get one. Now, tbe I. X. L. offers a tuble in good condition with balls and cues at a very reasonable figure. Clip your sugar coupous, old chappies, and see Sam Lederer and his billiard ' tablo.